Chapter 34

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        Hello, readers! Chapter 34 of Forest's Fate has finally been written. Sorry for the short break; I got caught up with life issues, and I was also figuring out the plot for the rest of the book.

Warning: Minor gore in this chapter as a result of some character deaths. Also, I am experimenting with a gigantic plot twist in this chapter, so watch out for that. (I may or may not keep the plot twist; we'll see how it's going to work. 😊)


The clear, indigo sky shines above me as I walk through the grass. Rain told us to continue our tunnel patrols as usual while letting the Superiors keep the North Tunnel. However, on the night of Ice and Ash's battle, I can't imagine staying in the tunnel. After all, after tonight, the tunnels won't matter, anyway. And besides, I need a distraction, something to keep me from thinking about the battle.

        I wish I could help Ash. I would, but both Ice and Ash already stressed that it's a one-on-one battle and that others aren't allowed to intervene. Maybe this wasn't a good idea after all. Maybe I should stop them from fighting and convince them to continue the war in the usual way.

        "What are you doing here?"

The voice startles me. That's when I notice the strange figure standing in the corner of my vision. My eyes dart to the figure, and my heart skips a beat as I realize who's standing just a few tail-lengths away from me: Mirage. I look at the white cat warily staring at me, her black ears flattened to her head. Normally, I would get frightened that she appeared to me during the dead of night, but tonight, I feel brave for some reason.

        I stare at Mirage right back and reply, "I'm taking a walk. What are you doing here?"

Mirage crouches to the ground. She growls, "I can't tell you."

"Why not?"

"Because you're a birdhead rebel."

I suspiciously narrow my eyes at her. It seems like this has something to do with Ice; of course she doesn't want to tell me. At a loss of what to do next, I observe my surroundings. To my surprise, Silver Lake is just nearby with its shimmering water. Also, even closer to us are the trees that tower above towards the sky. Bushes thrive around them.

Ice and Ash aren't anywhere to be seen. There is a stench in the air that indicates that multiple cats passed through earlier, though. I'm certain that they're somewhere. They have to be; otherwise, Mirage wouldn't be here.

With my tail, I gesture towards the only area the fighting cats could be: behind the trees. I meow, "Ash and Ice are there, aren't they?"

Mirage hesitates for a moment, but then she gives a simple nod. "Yep. Are you going to leave now and finish your walk?"

I sit down next to her. "Nope. I'm waiting with you."

The white she-cat scoots away a little while shooting me a fierce glare. She hisses, "No way. You're leaving."

I feel the fur on my back rise. "I know you're up to something, and I won't let you do it."

"I'm not doing anything, you birdhead! And I probably won't have to do anything, either. Ice has everything under control."

I stare at Mirage, staying seated in stubborn silence. She locks eyes with mine in return as her tail furiously twitches. Curiosity is slowly taking over me. I don't only want to know what is going on behind those trees; I need to know. It's a necessity, like an agonizing thirst that will only be fulfilled if I go there and take a peek.

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