Chapter 6

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I wake up in the middle of the night. I glance around, still in my sleeping position. It's unusual for me to have my sleep interrupted in the night, so I'm kind of surprised. A couple of days has passed since the attack of those rebels, and I've been thinking about them lately. They desire change, for the Superiors to stop forcing their rule over them. I understand what they're fighting for. This camp is like a mini-version of the way Gardinia works: the regular cats are overshadowed by the Superior Cats, who have powers and therefore think they're better than us. If only I can find a way out of this place. What if I can bribe Name?

I suddenly hear footsteps outside of our den. I usually sleep next to the entrance, so I can easily hear the sudden quiet voice that appears. "Mirage," the deep voice growls. I automatically register the voice as Name's.

        "Yes?" the other voice meows. It's obviously Mirage, although I didn't recognize it for a second because her voice is rather deep for a female. Why is she standing outside our den?

        Name whispers, "I already asked Snowflake to replace you, and she accepted." Replace her? I think Snowflake is that white cat who calmed down Mirage a few days ago.

"I told you," Mirage hisses, her voice getting a tone higher, "that my ability to fight will be no worse than before!" I hear a thud against the rock wall, and I wonder what's going on out there.

"Be quiet. Do you want anyone to eavesdrop on us?" Name growls again in a sinister, low voice. I can't resist a prideful, quiet purr that slips out of my throat. Little Name knows that someone is already doing that.

        "I don't care, Ice. I really don't care anymore. I just want my job back. I promise I'm no worse than before." Mirage's voice is getting louder, but I barely notice that right now. Ha, I finally know Name's actual name! The name Ice rings in my head for a second. I knew an Ice before, but where and when?

        My mind is so focused on why Ice sounds familiar that I miss what Name says in reply. Disappointment washes over me as I realize that it was an important one. Whatever he said seems to have silenced Mirage. I can barely hear her last words. "You are a true monster, Ice. I will never forgive you. Never." She accents the final word, and shortly after that, I hear her quick paw-steps as she runs away. I wonder where she has gone.

As I hear Name's footsteps gradually getting more distant until I can't hear them anymore, I think about Mirage. She recovered from the fight against the rebels. Well, she would be fully recovered if she had never lost her left eye in the battle. As for me, I have healed the best I could, which is just a scar on my side which I'm pretty sure is permanent. Yipee, thanks for that injury, Rebel Cat!

        My mind shifts over to who saved me from getting killed. Rebel Cat was definitely intent on killing me until someone came along to defend me. Letting out a sigh, I turn over to my other side and close my eyes. It was probably a stranger. Name would have just left me there to die, and I already knew from the start that Mirage hates me for some random reason. It might be possible that Stripe saved me, but to be honest, she doesn't really seem like the type of cat to fight and be aggressive with someone. Before I could think anymore, I fell into a restless sleep.


        "Join the hunting patrol today, Forest."

       I glance at Name, slightly bowing to him. It still makes me want to puke to bow at him. Stupid rules. "Sure," I mutter under my breath, but realizing the rules again, I quickly corrected myself. "I mean, yes, sir." Name nodded and walks away without a word.

Forest's Fateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें