Chapter 10

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          I am standing in the back of a group of cats. It's time for fighting training again. To be honest, I've recently been shuddering just thinking about fighting. One thing I actually learned from being in this stupid planet is that I'm way more clumsy than I thought I was.

Snowflake is our instructor for today. She shouldn't be that bad. When Mirage was my fighting instructor, she was a beast when it came to correcting, challenging, and beating us up to the point of utter exhaustion. And since I'm horribly clumsy, it seems like I get beaten up the most by her.

        The other day during training, I was in a mock-fight with another cat that I didn't know. Said cat was going crazy on me. I was pouncing on her and swiping my paws at her, but I was too slow. She dodged my every move and pinned me down to the ground with one swift movement. That fight had been very short. She won quickly.

        Of course, Mirage just had to watch our fight, and when I was released from my opponent's grip, she yelled at me for being too slow. Then, she stabbed my nose with her sharp claw.

        So now I have a scar on my nose. Stripe mentioned several times that it's cool, and maybe it is. But I can't erase my mind of who did it.

        "Alright, so for today, I will show you how to defend yourself against offensive moves," Snowflake rambles in a monotone voice. I'm already trying not to fall asleep as she skims the crowd of cats she will be training through her narrowed green eyes. There aren't many of us; only about ten cats other than me are here. The rest are in some other group with another idiot Superior. I wonder what Mirage is doing right now. Maybe she's beating up Name so she can teach us to fight again.

        Snowflake meows, "Branch, why don't you come closer so you can be my example?" I openly sigh in relief when I realize that I wasn't chosen to be her prey. Right at that moment, though, she chirps, "Oh, wait. Never mind, not you, Branch. We need someone who knows some offensive moves." She looks around for someone else, and of course, her eyes fall on me. "Ah, Forest. You're doing better now after that scene yesterday, eh? Well, come up here."

        Dread crawls up my spine. I don't feel like being thrown around today. "I don't know..," I mumble in protest. "I feel a little weak-"

        Snowflake interrupts me by purring, "Even better! You'll be a perfect example. Come on up, Forest." I hear some snickers around me, and I seriously want to claw that horrible she-cat in the face. Of course, though, I would get my third strike if I did that, so I guess the only other option is to get my butt over there.

        Without another word, I stalk next to Snowflake. However, just as the lesson is about to officially start, I hear a loud voice behind us. "Excuse me, Snowflake, but I need to speak with you for a minute." I whirl around, just to see Mirage standing by Snowflake and me. Her remaining brown eye looks emotionless as she stares at her menacingly.

I don't know if I'm glad to see her or not, and I wonder what she wants. Nevertheless, her presence is delaying the start of this humiliating time with Snowflake, so I guess I should be grateful.

Snowflake simply nods, and they walk away out of earshot but close enough to watch what everyone is doing at the same time. I stare at them as Mirage quickly whispers something to Snowflake. Mirage is slightly shorter and stockier than Snowflake, but in a fight against each other, I'm guessing Mirage would win. The ambitious shine that is always in her eye just screams power, in my opinion. And her long, sharp claws, along with her big, black paws could easily break a bone.

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