Chapter 33

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As I stay crouched in the tunnel, someone suddenly pokes his head in the entrance. I startle and shrink away, only to realize that the other cat is Ash.

"I knew you were here," he quietly says. "Are you alright?"

        I nod, looking into his eyes, which are glowing yellow. "What's going on?"

        "Yeah, Ash, what's going on?" someone growls. I twist around to glance at North, who happens to be crouched behind me with his long fur as messy as usual. My heart sinks at the sight of him; I've been trying to avoid North all day because I'm still angry at him.

        "When did you get here?" I hiss to North, shifting away from him.

        He coldly stares at me as if I'm the dumbest cat in both Gardinia and Earth. "I literally just got here. I wasn't behind you this entire time, if that was what you were thinking."

        Ash says, "Ice created a plan to end the war. You heard about it in my conversation with him, Forest, correct?"

        "Yeah," I answer. "So you and Ice would have to fight each other?"

        The older black tom nods. "Yes, a fight to the death. If Ice kills me, then the Superior cats win and rule over Gardinia. If I kill Ice, then the rebels win and keep the equality. No one else will have to fight, just me and him. I do not know if the others want that though, which is why I am hesitating."

        "What?" North yells in a thundering voice that makes me jump. He comes closer to me and almost accidentally steps on my tail. "That's a horrible idea! What if Ice cheats by murdering you with his army? No wonder he's trying to get you to do it. We should keep doing it the normal way, not just two cats fighting for the destiny of an entire planet's population!"

        Ash looks at North, unfazed by his passionate burst of fury. He replies in a calm, quiet voice, "I understand you want to continue the war the way we always fought. However, the normal way is not working. Do you not see that? I'm not only concerned about the rebels winning; I want peace. No one in Gardinia knows a world without fighting . . ."

        Ash's speech drags off. His ears droop downward, and his head bows as if he's trying to hide his face.

        "Did you join the Peacemakers or something, Ash?" North growls, his fur ruffling in anger. "Or did you just hit your head? What's wrong with you?"

        Ash lifts his head to peer at North again, although his ears are still tilted downward. His eyes have a hint of deep sadness in them as he whispers, "I just want the war to end."

        An empty, stony silence follows. North finally seems to notice the depressed, broken-down mood Ash is currently in since he stops arguing with him. He shifts his paws. Then, he gives Ash an icy stare.

        Finally, while still locking eyes with Ash, North speaks. "Fine, do what you want, but remember who you are. No matter what you choose to do, you're a rebel. You're fighting for the rebels to win. That's your main priority. You got that, Ash?"

        Ash nods. He takes his head out of the entrance, giving me room to climb out of the tunnel. North follows me, and both of us shake the loose dirt out of our fur. Ash sits in front of us, using a paw to smooth down his already-clean fur. He seems to be back to his normal, calm self.

"Do you think you would be able to beat him?" I ask in an uncertain voice, squinting my eyes at Ash. I've never seen him fight before, but maybe he's good at it since he never got any major injuries in any of the recent battles.

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