Chapter 16

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         Panic blossoms in my heart as I see Name standing in front of Mirage and Rain. His head is turned towards them. Luckily, I had backed away far enough before that now, Name has to almost look behind him in order to see me.

        No, I can't give up that easily. My memories are too precious for that. I need to escape somehow.

         I faintly hear Mirage say, "I found an intruder, Ice."

        Time is running out, second by second. If he turns his head even sideways and sees me out of the corner of his eye, then I'm dead. If only the sky was completely black like on Earth, then maybe I can stand a chance by hiding in the shadows. Unfortunately, Gardinia's indigo sky at night doesn't have much shelter. I can't handle trying to stay out here, anyway. I need to hide.

        But wait. To my right, there are the rocks that form the dens from inside the camp. What if I..

No time to think. Name is distracted, so I have to move now. My legs move on their own; they dart towards the back of the dens on my right.

        In reality, it is a short distance from here to there, but in the midst of my ever-growing fear growing in my chest, it feels like an eternity. I hear my paws pitter-patter on the ground as I flee with my tail between my legs. My breath comes out in short and quick gasps as my heart repeatedly slams in my chest like there's a bird stuck in there that wants to escape. I can't think, I can't speak, I can't scream. I need to hide before Name catches me.

        Finally, I make it behind the camp. My body presses to the chilly stone wall of one of the dens as I attempt to settle my pounding heart.

        Except that there is no calm behind there.

        Shortly after I stop running, I hear Name's voice. "Who is there?" he calls.

        My whole body freezes. My eyes feel like moons as they widen. My head slowly turns toward the voice.

        "What?" I hear Mirage hiss to Name. "We're the only ones here. There is no one-"

        "Yes, I saw someone run," Name growls. "and I think I know who that cat is."

        No, no, no. Stupid me. What was I thinking? I should have stayed there instead of making this horrendous mistake! I want to scream and I want to run for my life and I want to die and I want to go home. But no. My paws stay put in the ground. I hear his paw-steps. He's coming. Shock runs up and down my body. What am I supposed to do?

        "No!" Mirage yells at him. "I'll check who it is. You can stay here."

        I hear his footsteps pause for a moment. I stay halted in place.

        "No," he growls back. "I must handle this myself. You are going to help me administer the blue-leaf to him anyway after I get him."

       The blue-leaf. Another mixture of pure fear, dread, and shock overcomes me. Finally, I can somewhat move, but my legs feel like boulders and my body is uncontrollably shivering for some strange reason.

        Even though I've been expecting it, I jump as I see his figure appear a few feet away from me. His blue eyes glow yellow in the darkness as he narrows them at me.

        "I knew it all along," he says. "It is you who keeps making trouble."

        My heart is turned to ice. Suddenly, I turn around and start to flee. I don't care where I go at this point- anywhere that keeps me away from this monster is a good place.

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