Chapter 7

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I have caught my first prey for my hunting patrol. It's a fat squirrel that makes me drool as I look at it. For the first time today, I realize how hungry I am. When have I last eaten? My belly rumbles, and I instinctively dart my eyes around to see if anyone is near enough to have heard it. Luckily, I'm alone other than the watcher, who was pacing around in the distance, so I sigh and carry the squirrel towards the white cat. As I walk, my mind drifts off and focuses on the atmosphere around me.

        So far, I haven't really noticed a lot of things that are different than Earth. Of course, unlike the diverse landforms on Earth, the ground here is always flat. Even all of the strands of grass are literally the same height, reaching up to the middle of my legs. I don't mind, though. Without the dips and rises in the land and the stupid trees, I don't need to trip or run into anything. However, one characteristic about Gardinia really bothers me: it's the sky. I mean, it's so dull, gray, and melancholy. It's completely cloudless, and that might be a sign of good weather on Earth, but in this case, I'm begging for a cloud to show up to lighten it up. I don't see the sun, either. From what I see at night, there are few stars and no moon.

        Those are just a few extra reasons on why I need to get out of this stupid hole. What if I can threaten Name-or-Ice to  take me back to Earth? I drop my prey in the pile next to the watcher and nod to her in greeting as I think of the possibility. Five of the cats already stand next to her, already finished with catching their two prey, and they are talking amongst themselves. I need one more piece of prey to be finished with my hunt, so I turn and sprint away to find something else.

The plot to threaten the leader of the camp is forgotten, though, when another idea pops up in my mind.

What if I escape to join the rebels?

The sudden thought, along with the excitement that came with it, made me almost trip over my own feet as I ran. I snort at myself. There's barely anything in the ground here and here am I tripping. I shake my head and continue on with the plan. It could take more work, but it could be slightly less dangerous and maybe a higher chance of working. But how do I find the rebels? Well, maybe we should start at the beginning. How do I escape the camp?

My line of thought is interrupted when a meaty scent of mouse fills my nostrils. A moment later, I vaguely see the light brown mouse, half-hidden by the long grass and chewing on a plant. Instinctively, my body lowers down to the ground, and I stalk towards the prey. However, I'm caught off-guard when I see a black paw from the corner of my eye. My eyes dart up, and I see Mirage stalking the same mouse. She glares at me, and I mouth, "Sorry," as I straighten up. I must have made some noise, because as soon as I get up, the mouse makes a panicked squeak as it glances at me with its beady eyes before darting away into the grass.

Mirage opens her mouth to yell at me, but I'm already off after the mouse. I'm not going to let this stupid mouse get away because of her! I feel myself getting closer, closer to the mouse, and I force my paws to beat forward until my front paws land on a firm, small body. A wild, high-pitched victory yowl slips out my mouth before my jaws bite down on the mouse's throat. It stops thrashing around, and I purr with satisfaction.

"That was my prey! I had it first!" A piercing shout makes me spin around to see the source of the enraged voice. Of course, Mirage is standing right next to me. My ears flatten in disappointment. She followed me.

        I shrug, backing up from her. "But you didn't catch it," I say, looking into her furious brown eye and trying not to glance at her scar. "I did."

       Mirage narrows her eyes, glaring at me as she stalks toward me with her white fur bristled. For some reason, I can't help noticing for the first time that she seemed attractive with her long legs and her deep voice. "I swear," she growls, her voice dropping so quiet and intense that I have to strain my ears to hear her, "you seem to be wanting to get on my nerves today. If you don't stop being such an idiot-"

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