Chapter 44 - trina is breaking down (and so am i) ((jk im fine))

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aaaaaa so highkey i feel awful about this but also it would be terrible writing to not do this so. 

ok so coming back to this after 2 weeks holiday i was gonna take this chapter down a super dark route but i just,,,,like,,,d o n t w a n t t o.

so we're getting what i can make of a cute chapter except im also going to address something i'd forgotten about

also i would love to make a timeline of this. it would be so fucking funny and bad


fuck this shit

so gays this is my sixth attempt at finishing this chapter and i am absolutely breaking down, as most of the people here now know that i have developed some real ass issues and if you read my old authors notes dear god what a scandal


Chapter 44

Greg's POV

I'd stayed at Mycroft's for the past couple days. I'd tried so hard to pretend that the last month or so hadnt happened. When i first woke up i thought it would be ok. I had talked to Mycroft like old times. But then Mycroft had left me, so i tried to go back to sleep. I snuggled down into the blankets and slowly drifted off...

It was morning when i woke. i had literally slept for 17 hours, all without a single dream. how the fuck did i manage that? 

Once again, mycroft was in my room when i woke up. Whilst we were good friends, and i trusted mycroft a lot, i would never be able to figure out how he always seemed to be in the right place at the right time, and how he was so silent wherever he was.

"What day is it?" I asked groggily as i rose from the bed, almost falling out.

Mycroft loooked up from his newspaper. "It's Wednesday, rugby practice day."

His voice was off, despite his seeming nonchalance. "Mycroft, whats wrong?" I asked bluntly, "Has something happened?"

"You, uh," his eyes shifted uncomfotably, "You talk in your sleep? Did you know that?"

I relaxed immediately. "Oh yeah i do, i guessed you'd never been around me sleeping much before. My roommate used to record me every now and then to take the piss, 'cause ive only really spoken nonsense."

Mycroft, however, didn't seem quite so relieved. "You seemed to be having a nightmare when i came in. Some of the things you were saying, they were so... Ahem," Mycroft cleared his throat, obviously not wanting to seem too frightened.  "I'm worried about what you went through during your time away."

My relief vanished. I cant say that id forgotten what id been through, but i had at least begun to process it. I guess its no surprise that my subconscious would be mulling the events over too.

"I dont-" I struggled to word my thoughts, so i went for the easiest option. "I cant talk about that right now...You said it was wednesday, are you gonna let me go to rugby?"

Mycroft's frown lifted slightly. "Im not your mother Greg."

i knew what was coming next. "Yes, yes, youre not my mother but..."

"But you've been in a very traumatic position and it might not be the best thing for you at the moment." Mycrcoft concluded.

I scoffed and got out of bed anyway. Whilst i knew he had my best interests at heart, i was not about to listen to him. Rugby waits for no man.

So i left mycrofts mansion and reluctantly got in the car to school. Technically school was only a 15 minute walk away, but apparently if he was going to let me go to rugby, the least mycroft could do was not let me walk there.

It was a good thing he did. As the driver pulled into the school gates, we saw nothing but blue flashing lights. I didnt even let him slow down before i sighed and said "Take me back please."

THere was no fucking way i was dealing with whatever was happening at my fucking school that required 7 different police cars, and about 700 officers.

I already knew what the cause was. Or rather, who the cause was. (well, at least probably.)

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