Chapter 25 - oh heck marcello

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i am definitely totally not pretending this is english language revision what never who tf do you think i am?

also these are such short chapter honestly.


Chapter 25

John's POV

After Gigi had left during lunch, I had slumped back up to our- or should i say my - dorm room. Sherlock had been so absent recently, and i was worried he might relapse into his old ways. That wouldnt be good for anyone, let alone himself.

I was sat at my desk, begrudgingly doing some english homework, when a familiar knock at the door followed by a key in the lock reached my ears. A teary Gigi and Sherlock stood in the doorway.

~ ~ ~

We had our reconciliation, and Gigi left. I had been watching Sherlock fidget and had known him long enough to know that he was just itching with genius. 

Sure enough, soon as the door had shut, he jumped up.

"Ive got a plan John!"

"I could tell."

"We are going to leave early this friday before the last lesson-"

"But thats my only lesson with Wendy!" I protested

"Crime doesnt wait for romance, John" Sherlock replied, smirking before continuing.

"So we'll leave on friday and then investigate laura and molly's room. Obviously there are still police officers there becasue Detective Hurst is still on siteso a little favor cashed in from Anthea should get them away. Hopes are we find some shred of evidence, and then we spend the evening checking out whatever we find."

I took a moment to mull it over. "So...bascially what you're saying is you've got no idea yet."

Sherlock glared at me. "I've got plenty of ideas John, just no facts."

I cracked up. He was pouting like a stubborn child and i knew that things were gonna be ok.

~ ~ ~

"So what do you think we're going to find?"

"I'm not sure...Aha!"

We had been in the room not 30 seconds, and Sherlock had already found a 'clue'. A post-it note with an address on it, and he passed it directly to me. There's was something off about it, which i couldn't quite put my finger on. I turned it over and my heart skipped a beat. "Sherlock?"

He was impatiently looking for more evidence. "Yes, John?"

"Look at the back of the note."

He glanced over reading it aloud to himself with distaste.

Come and play Sherl, come and play...

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