Chapter 10 - The Dinner

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Woohoo! Ten Chapters! Go me!

I missed the Clastrade so here is some :D


Chapter Ten -

Greg's POV

I had spent the entire day preparing for tonight.

Finally, my hard work would pay off, I thought happily as i pulled out my phone to text Claire.

Meet me in reception in ten minutes. Wear something nice. :)

I took a deep breath and pressed send.

Hopefully tonight would go amazingly, and i had it on good authority that it would. It was being supervised by a good friend, who only just about managed to get enough time off from his 'minor position in the British Government' to help me with date.

The first time i met Mycroft was actually through a counselling website. During my parent's divorce two years ago, I went through a down stage, which neither of my parents noticed.

I resorted to online counselling, which is where i met Mycroft. Of course, I didn't know that he was my girlfriend's cousin's friends brother's friends brother (Claire, Irene, Harry Watson, John, Sherlock, Mycroft respectively).

We became good friends, and it was only when I met him during parent's evening that i realsied who he was.

Don't ask how, i can't be bothered to recount the situation.

Anyway, we became good friends, and in return for me keeping an eye out for Sherlock, he helps me occasionally....financially.

So everything was covered, and i smiled as i saw Claire at the end of he corridor.

"You look...stunning..." I stammered, completely astounded at how beautiful she looked. She was wearing a flattering sheath dress, with one strap and an elegant rose as a clasp.

"So what are we doing tonight?" Claire questioned as she took my outstretched hand and walked with me to the limo outside.

She saw the sleek, black vehicle and immediately took a step back in surprise..

"Oh my god, Greg, how much did this-" she began, mouth open I surprise.

"Shh, that doesn't matter." I comforted.

"But Greg, it must have-"

"Claire! It's fine, honestly!" I chuckled at her, shaking my head at that fact the her mouth was still in the shape of an 'o'. I tucked her hair behind her ear, closing her surprised mouth in the process.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The restaurant I was taking Claire to was one of the best, courtesy of Mycroft.

We walked through the elaborate doors and a waiter came to us immediately.

"Whats the name?"

We were lead upstairs, to a table overlooking a breath taking view of London.
We sat at the table, and I took another moment to appreciate just how beautiful Claire looked.
Her silky ebony hair cascaded down her back. Her chocolate brown eyes were doe like, and her lashes were long as can naturally be.
She was smiling, but also taking in the view.

"It's beautiful..." I heard her mutter.

"I can think of something else that's even more beautiful." I smiled, holding her hand. She giggled adorably.

I spent a couple more minutes gazing at my girlfriend before the waiter gave the menus to us.
"Ooooohh, vert paradis salade!" I chuckled as Claire pretended to be a French chef, pulling all the stereotype cards.
"Ooh monsieur, amore, bagguette, chien!"
Both of us broke down laughing. It gained us a few strange looks, but we didn't care.
When I was with her, I'd never have to.

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