Chapter 9 - Not all explained

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I realised that the description says 'possibly not for the afore mentioned friends'

its practically only those friends who read this :/

At least, i think so....

Ready read time! (WENDY!!!)


Chapter 9 -  Not all explained

Sherlock's POV

I was starting to worry. There were very few people I cared for, and even fewer that knew how much I did.
Gigi, Wendy and John were the majority of these former few, and so when I received Wendy's reply, I trotted downstairs, only to find her crying her eyes out.
I wasn't completely sure how to react, seeing how John would usually help with these situations, so I just did what I always do.
Crying, sobbing, not screaming, no physical pain. Faint red makes on face, has been holding head in hands. Is sad about....
I thought for a few seconds, trying to find and answer.
"Oh!" I gasped aloud, causing Wendy to look up at me.
She had jumped to the conclusion that Gigi and John were in a relationship.
I immediately walked over to her and gave her a hug, still slightly unsure of whether I was doing the right thing.
Wendy stopped crying and looked up at me thankfully.
"Thanks Sherlock. I don't know if-"
"John likes you." I said bluntly. I didn't know if this was completely true, but he was acting differently around Wendy than around other various girls.
Blushing and despairing when he thinks he's done something wrong is liking her, right?
The look she gave me wasn't helpful.
"B-b-but he l-likes Gi-g-gu." She stuttered, starting to sob again.
"Stay here." I told her, just before leaving the room and texting Anthea.
Get a leave slip for Wendy Adler Year Nine, Gigi Cuthbert Year Nine, John Watson year nine and me. It's important. -SH

I made my way outside and towards the woods at the end of the field.
I walked in silently, and it didn't take me long to find Gigis voice through the trees.
"You insolent bastard! You come along with your bloody decade old friendship and immediately start toying with my best friends heart! To top that, you are trying to split everybody up, you fucking jerk!"
Shit shit shit shit shit. I chanted in my head.
When it comes to the people he cares about, John is similar to me; insults to them = going batshit crazy.
"You little bitch! You think I'm toying!"
I was about to step in, but then John said something of particular interest to me.
"What about Sherlock, huh? You think he's aware of what you think? He's not like anyone you've dated! He's a sociopath!"
He took a breath, but Gigi took it as a chance to retaliate.
"He's a machine and he-"
That stung, but now was the time that I needed to step in.

Watson tried to turn, but was already in the process of throwing himself at Gigi. Somehow, I managed to pull him back, but he was still scrambling to get at her, not really thinking about what was holding him back.

Meanwhile, Gigi was running further into the woods, a look of horror on her face.

"You freaking-"

John ceased his cursing as I slapped him across the face.

"Wendy's in her room right now crying. Go find."

"What about Gigi?"

"I may be a sociopath, but I'm not completely incapable."

John ran towards the dorm, and i started to sprint the opposite way. My fast speed was increase as i heard a scream.

Something's happened to Gigi, fuck shit.

Everybody knew that this was where the stoner went, and I know from experience how violent crack makes you.

Scanning my eyes across the dense woodland, I managed to see some mobment near the floor.
"Gigi?" I asked quietly as I walked closer.
"Sherlock...I'm so sorry."
I finally found exactly where she was.
Gigi was lying on the floor clutching her ankle.
An easy deduction.
I blocked everything she said before out of my mind, and picked her up, bridal style.
Within minutes we were in the medical room, and Gigi's injury was being evaluated, and I was filling out the paper work.

Name: Gigi Chattaway
DoB: 06/01/01
Year: Nine
Injury: Broken left ankle
Nurse: Carrie Pond
Attendee: Sherlock Holmes

I completed the form, with a couple of checks into the medical room to confirm details.
"Mr Holmes, I'm afraid you are going to have to return to lessons; Miss Cuthbert will have to go to hospital and unless you have the appropriate pass, she will have to go with an adult."
This nurse was clearly disobeying the normal orders, but everyone knew who I was, so hardly any of he rules applied anyway.
I fished out my pass, and I ended up carrying Gigi outside, where a taxi was waiting.
She's gonna have a hell of a shock when she wakes up...I thought, as I saw her nod off to sleep in my arms.

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