Chapter 7 - Not all all she thinks

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I'm running out of ways to say hello. Help.

This chapter does not have a plot twist...


Chapter 7 - Not all she thinks

Molly's POV

Laura and I moved away from the classroom window "stealthily".

Well, we tried.

At the last moment, I tripped over Laura's foot, causing us both to fall to the ground.

"What was that?" We heard Miss Clarke ask from inside(the windows were open.)

Scrambling to get away, Laura and I didn't stop running until we were safely sat down in the canteen.

"Oh, hey guys, I was just leaving." Wendy greeted us.

Gigi looked at her sharply.

"Where are you going?"

Apparently blind to Gigi's harsh tone, Wendy smiled and replied.

"I promised John I'd watch him play rugby."

Both Laura and I would have made an Awh sound, however Gigi still had something to say.

"Wendy, stay with us. What happened to Sistas before Mistas?"

Wendy grinned. "When it's a Mista Watson, it's different...Bye!"

Gigi glared at her until she was out of sight.

I grabbed out my phone and texted Laura.

Gigi- jealousy? GigixJohn? -Molly

I quickly received a reply.

But Johndy/Shergi! Jealousy maybe. GigixJohn is odd. Definitely won't be Canon- unless Wendy is taken out the picture...- Laura

We carried on texting our theories, managing to keep up conversation across the table.

You could say that multitasking was a talent of ours.

Among fangirling and "stealthy" get aways, of course.

"Guys! Stop theorising!" Gigi snapped. "It's worse enough!"

The bell rang to signify the end of lunch, and we all groaned, knowing what godforsaken lesson we had next.


At Baskerville, each year consists of about 75 students, and the school had recently come up with the idea that the entire year should take PSD together.

We walked to the Main hall, a tired look on all of our faces.

"Hello Class!" Mrs Edgley shouted enthusiastically.

She was a nice teacher, but was too happy, too high pitched and just too annoying for anyone to actually like her.

"Good Morning Mrs Edgley." We droned.

PSD, as always, went slowly.

Well, until the second half.

"For the second part of the lesson, we'll be looking at relationships, what you think makes a good partner, and also, your favourite celebrity couples!"

At this point, the lesson went spectacularly uphill.

We were told to prepare a small speech, in pairs if we wanted, on an aspect of relationships.

"Shipping counts as an aspect of Relationships, right?" I murmured to Laura.

"Well, I suppose it is a relationSHIP..." She grinned.

The remainder of the lesson passed quickly, and soon it was time to present.

As we walked from the back to the front, I heard several oh no's from around the room.

Both Laura and I just stuck our tounges out at them.

As turns out, our "small" Presentation ended up being over twenty minutes long.

"And we are hoping to see you all shipping soon!" I finished.

There was a half hearted round of a applause, but we didn't mind. We were both too happy that we were allowed to do a presentation on our careers.

On our way out of class, I saw Gigi talking to John, her face was red, but we were so far away, I couldn't tell whether she was blushing or if it was in anger.

However, we did see that Wendy was also looking their way, and it was not a positive look on her face.

"Jealousy is not a good look on you." I remarked to her, with an amazing amount of smoothness.

"Shut up!" She bleated.

"You know you like hiiim!" Laura taunted in a sing song voice.

At that point, our teasing stopped. as Gigi made her way back over to us.

"Alright?" Laura asked Gigi, reminding me that we were friends as well as shippers. But Shippers comes first.

"Yeah, I'm fine." The aussie replied.

"Your face is red."

"No it isn't."

"Yes it is." I joined in, still speculating about what Gigi's relationship with Watson could be...

The Worshippers - Teenlockजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें