Chapter 24 - im in love with the gay

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so ive been told by claire to give an apology for assuming gigis gender all the way back in chapter 14. literally 10 fucking chapters ago.

Either way. good luck to all of us with exams on monday. if i keep writing we're fucked


Chapter 24

Greg's POV

Claire was distracted. It was Thursday, date night again. But she wasnt focused and her eyes were scrutinising the room, examining everything but me.

The waiter brought our food, and we ate in silence. She finished, leaving half her plate full. Not hungry, she muttered.

i was getting both increasingly angry and worried about her as we waited for dessert. It seemed to be taking forever, but i couldnt decide whether that was just my mind extending the time via the silence between us. Eventually, it arrived, two sundaes that were too delicious looking to be wasted on this misery of a date. Claire pushed the melting ice-cream around the glass with her spoon a couple times, before breaking my heart in a blink of an eye.

"I'm breaking up with you."

My eyes snapped up as i stared at her. She didnt make eye contact but instead focused on her icecream. I couldnt get a word out, i kept stuttering and stammering.

"Thank you." She stood up, still not looking at me, placed some money on the table and walked out. I was speechless.

I was in no mood to finish my dessert so i called the waiter over and paid. As i walked out, i felt like i was in a nightmare. My eyes were stinging, tears falling slowly. Stumbling, i ignored the car park where the taxi was meant to pick us up. Claire had probably taken it back to Baskerville. I moved unsteadily down the highstreet.

Although it was summer, it was cold, so very cold. My hands and feet were numb, i could barely feel them. My steps were shaky, my balance had been ruined completely; i was in an utter state. I wandered further and further, wanting to get away from the street lights, the roaring cars, it was all so aggressive and intense.

I staggered down an alleyway, it was lightless and dark, so very dark. No, it wasn't was black.

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