Chapter 13 - Crumbling Ships

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Bonjour! Apologies for the appalling wait, I've been a tad decadent with regards to my writing recently. All of the seeds for EVERYTHING are planted here, so don't forget anything in this chapter!

P.S. Yes, I know it's short, I'm sorry.

Chapter 13 - Crumbling Ships
Laura's POV

"Listen, Matt, it's not you, it's just...I mean, we're just not....not as compatible as I originally thought."
Molly and I sat outside the staffroom, on the verge of tears at what was happening inside he building.
Maimy had been arguing for a while now, and seeing how Miss Clarke was expected to leave at Christmas, maybe that was a good thing.
"You're breaking up with me?" Mr Chapman asked slowly.
"Matt, don't take it like-"
"No, Miss Clarke," he sneered, " Answer my question, so I can get on with my life if needs be."
There was an uncomfortable pause. "Yes. Yes I am breaking up with you."
Mr Chapman's voice became icy and business like. "If that is the case, I appreciate your confirmation, I shall return to my office. Good day."

There was a sad moment of silence to mourning the sunken ship.
I looked up from the gravel outside the staffroom, and suggested that we informed Martin and Benedict.

"I suppose so..

"Poor Mr Chapman." Benedict sighed. "They really did work to begin with..."
"Yeah, I know." I agreed sadly.
"Still, he won't be alone forever." Martin concluded. "He's a romantic, there's no way he'll stay alone for too long."

"How do you..." Molly started puzzledly, with the same confused face as me.

"Hey! You guys aren't the only ones who investigate ships, you know." Benedict chuckled.

He was interrupted by rinoff tgtone playing.

"I can show you the world, shining shimmering - splendid. Tell me princess-" I grabbed my phone from my bag, turning off the frankly embarrassing alarm. 

"I've got a tech detention to go to, bye!" I hurried out the room and ran.

 ~ ~ ~

About ten minutes later, i returned. Our tech teacher was quite young, and so, lenient. She only gave out detentions if she really needed to, and apparently missing every single homework counted.

When o returned to the library, i couldn't see any of my usual squad. As i peered through the shelves, i saw a number of recognisable faces, but not who i was looking for. Under the window, John and Wendy were snuggling on the beanbags, discussing something or other. To their right, Gigi was reading a book on Equine Biology, with Sherlock reading not-so-subtly behind her. Even further right were both the new irish kid and blond friends, smug looks on their faces. I couldn't help but notice that they were sitting just a little bit closer than society would suggest, but that might have just been the angle.

Finally, i spotted them in the very corner of the library. Molly was crying, and Martin and Benedict were comforting her. I made my way over, before stopping short a couple of shelves away. Molly never cried, not in public anyway; there's got to be a reason why. Creeping silently, i ended up less then a meter away, with only a set of wooden shelves between us.

"What am i meant to do?" Molly choked out."She can't know, and God knows what'll happen if they tell anyone!"

There was a silence pierced only by Molly's sobbing.

I couldn't listen to her crying, it killed me. Molly was like a sister to me, closer to me than my actual siblings by far.

I ran back to my dorm, my original few questions turning into multitudes of whos, whys, whats and wheres. Queries ran through my brain at record speed, confusing me even more.

Who is 'She'?

Who's 'they'?

What can't 'She' know?

What will happen?

What are they telling?

I sat at my desk, head hurting from the chaotic scene.

Standing up suddenly, i moved to my bed and picked up my book: within seconds, and nt for the first or last time, i was lost to the world.

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