Chapter 29 - i forgotteed

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forgot that i was totally meant to re-introduce a character last chapter then i sort of got distracted with my eternal bitterness but we're even now so its ok

also shit man ive literally forgotten this story line if yall wanna go read like from chapter 17 i think becasue this has gotten complicatique

wait before you go back!

read this chapter first because its much funnier to be confsued than to be in the know

also like kinda TRIGGER WARNING maybe? not for anything in particular just to prepare a certain someone if theyre thinking about reading this i love you bae remember to take care of yourself and breath calmly

also heck this shit gets poetic


Chapter 29

Laura's POV

I sat in the library with my hood up, in the corner of the computer section. My head was down and i was idly googling things. Nothing momentous, just random things, things average everyday laura would google

laura from a month ago

before all the shit went down

I went to the london box office website to look at theatre tickets. I liked that right? It had been a while since i had thought about theatre. My mind had been...preoccupied And when i say preoccupied i mean tortured, trapped, chained to repeat again and again the images of what id seen.

It hadn't been easy to move after she'd been shot, even with a gun pointed at my head. Molly was my friend no longer, molly had become a mutilated mass of bloodied flesh. Where is she now, buried? Dumped in the Thames? incinerated? i would never know

i remember shaking, shivering uncontrollably. It was the adrenaline, you dont need a biology gcse to figure that out.

~  ~  ~

"Come on sweetheart, up you get. We've got somewhere to be."  The girl who had just shot my best friend looked at me with kind eyes. I couldn't comprehend how she managed that, how she looked compassionate and sympathetic after she had just murdered in cold blood.

But i stood, albeit shakily, and with the gun held in the curve of my spine, and a soft hand resting comfortingly on my shoulder, i walked out, guided by Serana (Jim Moriarty's sister  see chapter 12 for research i think ).

Into the car with the blackout windows

into the warehouse where theres no shadows

no  shadows becasue everything is black

no light

not even a shard of moonlight, sunlight, LED modern monstrosities nothing.

second after second in the darkness, with nothing but a sound, a gunshot and the face of a friend who was no longer a friend, and face that is no longer a face

~ ~ ~ 

I blinked back to reality. I was shaking again. That was normal now. Happened all the time. i went to click something on the website, the pc mouse clattering slightly in my grip.


I flinched, but took a deep breath and looked round, pulling my face into a small smile as much as i could. 

It was wendy, john, and Sherlock. The latter went to speak but John put out a hand, a clear signal to shut the fuck up not rn sherl.

They each grabbed a chair sat, rolling round to sit in a circle (computer chairs yall, with the wheels on the bottom). "Laura youve been gone for a month, is everything ok?"

Wendy had a soft voice, so very kind and Come on sweet heart, up you get-

I flinched again, stammering out the excuse. "THere wasa fuNERal. My great uncle's funeral. In canada."

i'd said those words so many times, those words had been said to me so many times. They tasted like dirt as they left my mouth.

Wendy was taken aback. "Well, im so sorry laura, my condolences...I was- we were just wondering if you were ok, yknow, becasue we havent heard from you at all"

I shifted my eyes to sherlock briefly, who was watching me intently. "The service is bad out there."

He knew i was lying. John too. Wendy was slightly easier to lie to, so i mustered my energy and made it believable.  "We hadn't been particularly close until last year, when i found out hed been an actor, so, it just hit me quite hard i guess knowing that i wont get to talk to her- i mean him ever again." stupid laura, dont slip up now, we're talking great uncle not molly

"Well...we're here if you ever need to talk, you know that right?"

I nodded solomnly, a small panic beginning to rise as to how i was going to get out of this situation without any furhter interrogation. Luckily, Sherlock saved me.

"John, i think i left an experiemnet going back in the dorm room."

THey both left without another word, leaving wendy with me. She, being the amazing, wonderful, caring, one-of-a-kind, unique, gorgeous, underestimated and underrated friend that she is, stayed with me and stopped talking about my absence, instead moving on to theatre.

"oooh phantom of the opera!" she said, pointing at my screen. "i went to see that recently, its fucking amazing. Although...cant go wrong with a bit of mamma mia either"

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