Chapter 5 - Why's she following me?

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Hellooo everyone!
The chapter isn't as creepy as the title makes out. I promise.
But we do get the introduction of one of our favourite characters here! Yay!
Read on, humans!
Chapter 5 - Why is she following me?
Gigi's POV

I sat on my bed, laid down, with my phone held in the air, above my face. I was hoping to hell that it didn't fall.
"Argh, shit." Maybe I should've hoped to heaven instead...
" OH MY GOD JOHN TEXTED- uh, I mean, huh, John texted me."
"someone's got cruu-uush, someone got a cruu-uush." I laughed in a singsong voice.
After Wendy's stage of denial, I went back I writing my fan fiction, when my phone bleeped.
I switched off the page, and checked my messages.
Hey, I love your fanfiction! The romantic scene was really well written, but it would be nice if you could go a little...further
I looked at he message in disgust, before typing a quick reply.
Screw you, I'm in Year Nine, not some 69 year old creep! -Aussie06
I was surprised at how quickly she replied, but then scolded myself. She had, of course just sent me a message moments ago.
Aw, please? ;) nice choice of number, by the way. -TheWhipHand
Again, I looked at the message with distain on my face.
Before I could type back, my phone bleeped again, signifying a follower.
For God's sake, why is she following me?!?!
I'm not really sure why I'm convinced it's a she...I thought to myself.
"Probably because your fanfiction is Fall Out Boy?" Wendy said from my shoulder, startling me, as I hadn't seen her.
"But-" I protested.
"Do you know any boys who like FOB? 'cause I dont!"
"Sherlock likes it." I said sulkily.
There was a few minutes of silence.
"I have a theory." Wendy suddenly remarked.
"Mmhmm." I nodded, not really caring.
"My theory," she continued, "is hat you don't want to write smut, because it would be too much like he daydreams you have about you and Sherlock..."
I sat up immediately.
" Wendy Adler, for you I have two words: John Watso- OH." I started in a warning voice, turning to realisation.
"What?" She asked.
"Your sister is a bitch." I laughed.
"you're only getting that now?" Wendy stared at me.
Then I had yet another moment of realisation.
"You knew who that was." I stated.
"Of course! My sister is a sex crazed maniac, and the only reason she'sb still here is because he ducked the headmaster!"
She looked at me again, and we both burst out laughing. I have no doubt we would have laughed for hours, had there not been a knock on the door.
Milliseconds after, I received a text from Sherlock.
Send him to Irene's dorm. Say you are new too.-SH
I answered the door, heeding Sherlock's advice.
Outside was a pale year nine boy, with his black hair gelled back.
"Sorry, I'm Jim, I'm new,which way is it to the canteen?" His Irish accent surprised me, but his complexion matched.
Butting in front of Wendy, I replied. " Sorry, we're new too. Can't help. But I know that the girl three doors down knows this place well. Just ask for Irene."
He thanked us and left.
"Why did you do that?" Wendy asked, already back doing her homework.
I showed her the phone.
I went back to writing, but found no inspiration.
There was about half an hour of lunch left, so I made up my mind.
" I'm going to see Sherlock."
"and I'm coming with you." Wendy replied, packed up her homework.
I was confused. "to see Sherlock?"
"no, you simpleton, to see John."
We walked up the srairsband knocked.
" Who is it?" I heard John shout. I was a out to shout back, but Sherlock loudly informed him that it was Gigi and Wendy, and he should probably close his notepad.
We were let in, and although we both raised our eyebrows, neither of us said anything about John's notepad, which was inconspicuously hidden under his maths homework.
We stayed there until the bell went.
" What lesson have you got next?" Wendy asked John.
Sherlock answered. "Maths, in the same class as you." Sherlock spoke blankly.
John sent him a scowl, and then Wendy a smile.
I grinned. Wendy was definitely going to et to know John better.

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