Chapter 2 - Claire's Sexgod

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I'm listening to the same song again :3 Eet eet eet.

Anywho, the title is courtesy of Claire herself, the actual person. Blame her.

@Ohhhhsnap_the person, if you want her :D

Thanks for reading, please don't forget to vote, follow, and any other way of showing your appreciation (convert your friends, share the fanfiction, be a fangirl)

Up for some Clastrade?


Chapter 2 - Claire's Sexgod

Lestrade's POV

The girl in front of me was beautiful.

Claire Hudson, the girl who on Saturdays skipped round Martha Hudson's Tea Shop, the girl who captained the netball team and the most elegant person I'd ever met.

And she was dating me. Me.

I knew that the school essentially expected it, seeing how I'm 'the sporty one' and all the captains have to have regular meetings, but I still count myself as lucky. A girl like Claire could have her choice of guys, but she chose me.

I planned to marry her as soon as I could.

We had both talked about it, and how perfect our wedding would be.

Falling out of my daydream, I went back to studying Claire's perfect features, as she was still daydreaming.

We sat on the bench at the top of the field for a bit longer, then headed back to the canteen for dinner.

Everyone in the canteen had their seats. It was an unspoken rule, but if you took someone's seat, you were good as dead. Even the teacher knew this.

Walking hand in hand with Claire towards our usual booth, I noticed a boy I hadn't seen before, sitting with Sherlock and Gigi. Sherlock was an odd kid so most people avoided him, but he was acting really...normal...around this other guy. They were sitting with Wendy and Gigi, Claire's cousin and her friend.

We made our way over, and they were talking about science. Of course. The one subject neither me or Claire could get a hold of.

"But Botulinum is quite rare, so how would-"

"Hey guys." Claire interrupted, smiling.

"G'day, Claire, Greg."

General hello's were passed around, before Sherlock asked, "Who's Greg?"

We all looked at him with a straight face, but both him and the guy i didn't know looked confused.

"I'm Greg." I pointed out, as he was obviously not getting the point.

"Lestrade, don't hallucinate, you don't have a first na-" Sherlock started.

"Holmes, be nice," warned the boy beside him and Gigi, simultaneously, before the boy stood up. "John Watson, hi." He said, shaking my hand, and nodded at Claire.

Still seemingly uninterested, Sherlock carried on the conversation.

"Gigi, the botulinum would be injected through Botox; it's just a diluted version of the toxin. Get someone to trust you with the injections, then it's Good Night Vienna, concentrate just one needle."

I looked at Claire, and she nodded. We walked back to our booth and ordered some food.

Just before the food arrived, Claire sneezed.

No joke, her sneezes were literally adorable.

"Fuck you cold." She muttered before sneezing again.

I laughed, smiling at her stubborn face, the one which was also adorable.

Her face went red, but i wasn't sure whether she was angry or blushing.

"Fuck you too, Greg."

"Gladly." I grinned back.

We ate, exchanging flirty banter throughout the meal.

Banter, it seems, was Claire's specialist subject.

We finished our meal, and left the canteen.

"I hate you." She said blatantly.

"You love me really."

She kissed me on the cheek.

"Fuck off, Greg." She said with a smile, before walking into her dorm.

I walked aimlessly down the corridor, heading subconsciously towards the stairs. The grin on my face was stupidly wide, and uncontrollable.

I really loved Claire Hudson.

As I started up towards floor D, a door behind me opened.

I turned around, and Claire was leaning against the door frame to her dorm.

"I love you too, Greg."

Damn me if we ever broke up.

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