Chapter 43 - yeet

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also you've got to deal with the new direction im taking this in so bascially from now on EVERYTHING MEANS SOMETHING


Chapter 43

  Sherlock's POV

"So this Serana, moriarty's sister, she's going to technically help us? What did she say?"

I nodded. "I can't say she told us much explicitly, but i can't help but think she meant something by the choice of meet up. She talked about how planets were often like eyes."

"Maybe she was just trying to scare you. Window to the soul and all that, could be that she was trying to imply that she knew more than you thought."

I was puzzled. "John, this is another possible criminal we're talking about. You've seen how moriarty acts, she's no different, more sophisticated even. Every single word she said was calculated. She picked the planetarium, she planned which planets would be showing at the time we came in."

I looked at john for answers. he just shrugged before looking at his phone. "Listen, mate, i've got to get to rugby practice in like an hour so i need to go and eat. Are you coming to the canteen?"

I shook my head. "I need to sort things out in my head...just, grab e some crisps or something i guess."

John sighed. "Thats better than nothing. Ill see what i can find."

He left the room and i immediatly stood up. I couldnt put my finger on it. 

Planets? How are planets like eyes? What links them, the colours?

I wracked my brain to recreate the curved ceiling that had held the projection. I could see all the planets, but only one was in focus.

A misty blue, blotted and mixed between royal blue and pale. It was very similar to neptune, but somewhere different. it was like neptune, but lighter, less solid and more swirling. As my mind focused in on this one planet, i realised something. The planet was gigi's eyes. In my head i was picturing them and i realised;

eyes are individual. planets are individual. you get two unique eyes, one unique planet.

Maybe it's something to do with only having one eye? I couldn't think of anyone I knew with only one eye. But it's got to be significant. 

John came back much earlier than I expected. He brought crisps which I slowly ate whilst I thought.
"Do you want to come and watch my rugby practise? I know it's not exactly your scene, but it might help to get out of this room."

Usually I would have declined, John generally understood that I had no interest in watching sweaty teenagers running around with very little intent. But I could see the worry in his eyes. Probably worry that I'd shut people out again. "Um, yeah ok."

And I'm glad I did.

John and I were the first ones down to the pitch. He was the first to notice it.
"Is something...hanging? From the rugby posts?"
I looked over. There was definitely something there but it wasn't discernable from this distance. We started to jog a little, and soon we could see what the hanging object was. We started to sprint, both of us running as fast as we could.

It was a body. More importantly, it was Molly Hooper's body.ybe it's something to do with only having one eye? I couldn't think of anyone I knew with only one eye. But it's got to be significant. 

John came back much earlier than I expected. He brought crisps which I slowly ate whilst I thought.
"Do you want to come and watch my rugby practise? I know it's not exactly your scene, but it might help to get out of this room."

Usually I would have declined, John generally understood that I had no interest in watching sweaty teenagers running around with very little intent. But I could see the worry in his eyes. Probably worry that I'd shut people out again. "Um, yeah ok."

And I'm glad I did.

John and I were the first ones down to the pitch. He was the first to notice it.
"Is something...hanging? From the rugby posts?"
I looked over. There was definitely something there but it wasn't discernable from this distance. We started to jog a little, and soon we could see what the hanging object was. We started to sprint, both of us running as fast as we could.
It was a body. More importantly, it was Molly Hooper's body.

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