Price: (Stops him) Not so fast. Remember Beirut? You're with us. 

Kamarov: Hmm...I guess I own you one. 

Gaz: Bloody right you do.

They all move up the hill. Kamarov's men whispers to him to in Russia. 

Kamarov: This way. There's a good spot where your sniper can cover my men. 

They come up to a big house and they see a village down below. Naruto sees the Bm21s firing rockets in the air. They move down some fences and they aim down below at the enemies. Naruto looks down and sees Kamarov's men in the village, preparing to attack.  

Price: Sniper team in position. Gaz, cover the left flank. 

Gaz: Roger. Covering left flank.

Price: Naruto, cover the right flank.

Naruto: Copy. 

Price: Soap, switch to your sniper rifle.

Soap: Yes, sir. 

Soap puts down his gun and takes out his sniper rifle. He aims down. 

Kamarov: (Talks on radio) all units, commence the attack. 

His men throw grenades and they explode, killing some enemies. The enemies go behind cover and fire at them. Soap fires at them and takes them down. Machine gunners are at a window in a house is firing at the units.

Price: Soap, take out the machine gunners in the windows so Kamarov's men can storm the building! 

Soap nods and aims at the window. He fires and takes them both down with headshots. Naruto fires at one of the Bm21s and with the help from the units, they destroy it. After that, the alarm in the village goes off. The units storm the building. Just then, Kamarov spots some helicopters coming.

Kamarov: Dang, enemy helicopters! 

Price: You didn't say there would be helicopters Kamarov. 

Kamarov: I didn't say there wouldn't be any either. We need to protect my men from those helicopters troops. This way!

Price: Make it quick Kamarov, I want that informant and his team...

Kamarov: You have nothing to worry about. We'll take out the BM21s and carve a path straight to your informant, Captain Price. 

He leads them to a burning house. He kicks open the door and leads them inside. Kamarov is whispering in Russia as he leads them. Gaz looks at him.

Gaz: We should just beat it out of him sir. 

Price: Not yet. 

They make it through the back door and enter a hillside. Naruto looks up and sees more rockets being fired in the air. And he sees they're by a power station and a wooden shed. Gaz spots helicopter troops coming down the hill. 

Gaz: Sir, we've got company! Helicopter troops closing in fast! 

Everyone gets behind cover as Naruto and Soap enters the shed and duck behind the windows. They fire at the troops. Soap uses the grenade launcher on his M203 and fires it at the troops. Three of them get caught in the explosion and die. Soap fires again and hits two more. Naruto fires his rifle and takes down some of them. Just then, more of them come down the hill. Soap fires another grenade and takes down four more. Naruto takes out a grenade, pulls the pin and throws it. It lands by two men. They see it and try to run. It explodes, killing them both. A troop does the same. Naruto sees him and the troop throws it at him. Naruto smirks and catches the grenade. He throws it back. 

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