Chapter 17: Heat

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Day 4-09:40:32, Northern Azerbaijan. Corporal Naruto "Fox" Uzumaki, 22nd SAS Regiment.

The next morning, everyone is fully awake, and are now waiting for the chopper to come and get them. 

Gaz: E.T.A on the chopper's at least a half hour, Captain Price. 

Price: No good. We'll be corpses for ten minutes by then. Every Ultranationlist psycho in Zakhaev's pocket is about to show up on our doorstep, coming to claim Al-Asad. 

Gaz: Or what's left of him.

Naruto: What do we do, Pops?

Price: Right. We'll set charges along phase line Alpha on the southern hill...and more along phase line Bravo. We'll delay them all the way back to the top, and hold our ground at the extraction point in the fields around the farm. Any questions? 

Gaz: Let's do this.

Naruto: We're all with you, pops. 

Everyone gets their weapons ready as they go out to set the charges on the hills. As they do, they can hear the Ultranationalists coming in. One of them speaks in a loud speaker, telling them to surrender. Naruto shakes his head, knowing that they would kill them, even if they did surrender to them. 

Price: Ignore that load of bollocks. Their counterattack is imminent. Spread out and cover the southern approach. 

Naruto: Pops, they're slowing coming up the hill. Just say when. 

Everyone spreads out, and covers the southern hill. They aim their weapons down the hill, looking down. Soap and Naruto go up to the tower in the church. Naruto picks up an RPG, as Soap aims his sniper rifle. 

Price on radio: (To Naruto) Do it. 

Naruto: (Smirks) Ka-boom. 

Naruto presses the trigger, and the charges go off, blowing away the enemy who are walking up the hill. Everyone open fires on the ones who were not caught in the explosions. Naruto aims the RPG, and fires at them. The rocket hits, and explodes, taking down a bunch of them. He reloads as Soap fires his rifle at them. Ulrich and Odd team up as they both open fire with their assault rifles. 

Price on radio: Squad, hold your ground, they think we're a larger force than we really are. 

Gaz on radio: Copy.

Naruto: Roger that. 

They continue taking down more of them as Naruto uses up all of the RPG ammo on them. He throws down the RPG, and slides down the ladder. He joins up with the others as he holds up his M249 SAW. He lays down on the ground by Yumi, and Aelita. He cocks his weapon, and open fires on the enemy. He smirks as he sees that they're taking them down. Just then, smoke appears down the hill. 

Soldier on radio: They're putting up smokescreens. Mac, you see anything? 

Soldier 2 on radio: Not much movement on the road. They might be moving to our west. 

Just then, explosives erupt all around the area. 

Gaz: They're targeting our position with mortars. It's time to fall back. 

Price: Right. Soap, get to the minigun and cover the western flank. Go. 

Naruto: Two, falling back. 

Everyone gets up, and falls back to the fallen chopper and destroyed house. 

Gaz on radio: Three, on the move. Three here. Two's in the far eastern building. We've got the eastern road locked down. 

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