Chapter 16: Alien Vs. Predator final part

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Naruto, Lex, and the warrior continue walking through the halls. Naruto keeps his eyes open for any serpent. He doesn't see any yet. He then spots something to the left. He walks to what he's looking at. 

Naruto: Guys. 

Both Lex and the warrior look at what he's looking at. The warrior finds some wet skin on the floor. Naruto and Lex find some kind of strange stuff on the floor, and all over the walls and ceiling in a corridor. They both walk in it slowly. As they do, they find something on the floor. Naruto picks it up, and sees that it's Miller's camera. 

Naruto: Miller. (Looks ahead) Miller? 

There's no answer. Naruto puts the camera in his jacket pocket. They both continue walking in the corridor. 

Lex: Miller. 

They enter a room. They all look around, and find eggs all around the place. They're all opened. Then, they both look to the right, and they both gasp in shock as they find the rest of the others. They're all cocooned to the wall. They're all dead. Naruto looks at their chests, and sees that there's holes in the middle of them, like something came out of them. Lex looks down, and sees a pistol on the ground, next to a dead spider creature. She puts down her spear, and picks it up. They both look at Miller. 

Naruto: Sorry. 

Naruto really knows that his kids are gonna be very sad when they find out that their father is dead. He walks to the fallen soldier of Price's team. He takes their dog tags, and puts them in his pocket. Then, they hear heavy breathing nearby. They look at another wall, and they gasp as they see Sebastian cocooned to the wall. He's shudders as he breathes heavily. Naruto sees an opened egg in front of him, and a dead spider creature is lying on the floor. 

Lex: Sebastian. 

Sebastian: (Looks at them) Help me, guys. 

Lex: (Walks to him) We're gonna get you out of there. 

Sebastian: It's too late. It's inside me. 

Lex: (Tries to break him free) We're gonna get you out of here. 

Sebastian: You can't--

Just then, the warrior comes into the room, and he aims his gun at Sebastian with the red dots on him.

Naruto: No! No, wait, wait, wait, wait! (Tries to stop him)

Lex: No! No. Wait. No! No, We have to help him. 

Naruto looks back at Sebastian. He can feel something trying pop out of Sebastian's chest, as he hears his bones cracking in his chest.

Sebastian: Guys! They mustn't reach the surface. They mustn't reach the surface. (Grunts)

Lex: We know. 

Sebastian groans as Lex cocks the gun. Naruto stands back, and watches as she aims at him. 

Sebastian: (Yells) Do it! 

Sebastian continues groaning in agony as he feels the serpent inside him is about to come out of him. Naruto looks away as Lex is now gonna shoot. 

Lex: I'm sorry. I'm sorry! 

She fires, and shoots him in the face. He dies instantly. Naruto looks, and sighs sadly as he looks down. Lex shudders as she looks at him. She drops the empty pistol, and walks out. The warrior watches her leave. He puts away his weapon, and looks at the body. Naruto looks too. Then, something bursts out of Sebastian's chest. Naruto catches it with his hand. It's a tiny serpent. It screeches as it tries to break from his hand. Naruto glares at it, and then he grabs its head with his other hand, and cracks it, killing it. The warrior looks at it, and growls. Naruto drops it down on the floor. He sighs, and walks out with the warrior. Just then, they all wait a loud rumbling going on in the pyramid as they stand by the bodies. Naruto then look at the other eggs, and he sees they're all opening up. 

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