Chapter 18: The sins of the father

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In the briefing room, the team are talking about Imran Zakhaev. The United States Marine Corp are now teaming up with SAS, making a Joint Operation. They all look at the monitors. It shows Zakhaev talking to Al-Asad and a couple of men. They cross off Al-Asad, signaling that he is terminated. 

Griggs: Well, we got that butthead. 

Price: Still, he's not the one responsible for killing your Marines. Sorry mate.

Gaz: Imran Zakhaev, huh? Man's a ghost. Intel says he's gone underground. 

Price: Well I got a plan to find him. 

Griggs: I'm listening. 

The monitor then shows one of the men is standing behind Zakhaev. It's a man wearing blue clothing. 

Griggs: Daddy's boy. 

Price: Zakhaev's son. Commander of the Ultranationalist forces in the field. Rotten apple doesn't fall far from the tree. The loyalist Kamarov has got a location on the kid. 

Naruto: So, if we capture him...

Griggs: Ah, and the little punk'll know how to find Zakhaev. 

Gaz: The sins of our fathers...

Griggs: Heh, ain't it a pain? 

Naruto: Jeremy, I want you to stay here in baseplate. We're gonna need you here to help out with communcations. 

Jeremy: You got it. 

Everyone walks out of the briefing room, to get ready to go after the kid. 

Day 5-06:34:30. Southern Russia. Corporal Naruto "Fox" Uzumaki, 22nd SAS Regiment.

It's morning in the South. Price leads the group to the area where Zakhaev's son is gonna be at. They meet up with Kamarov and his men. They're gonna help them. 

Kamarov: This is the best way in. The vehicle checkpoint is directly ahead. 

Price: Not bad, Kamarov. This'll do nicely. 

Man on radio: Bravo Six, this is Vulture One-Six. Radio jammers are active, you're cleared to engage the guard station. Out. 

They all move through a little junkyard. They climb over some stuff, and they see the guard station ahead in front of a gas station. 

Price: Soap, you and Naruto get on that dumpster and prepare to take the guards in the tower on my mark. The rest of you follow me.

Both Soap and Naruto get on the dumpster. They both aim their rifles at the two guards on the tower. They aim for their heads.

Price: Boys, take them out now.

They both fire, and the guards drop down from the tower dead.

Price: Go loud. Move, move, move! 

They both rush down from the dumpster to join the fight as they open fire on the enemy to secure the checkpoint. Naruto takes down five of them. The fight lasts for a moment, but they take down all of them. 

Griggs: Area secure. 

Price: Alright, let's get this place sorted out. Change into the enemy uniforms and douse the fires. Kamarov, I need your men on the ground if the drivers start asking questions. Just keep them busy until we locate Zakhaev's son. We don't have much time, so get to it. 

Naruto: You got it, pops. 

They all go to work as they were told to do. 

Two hours later. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2021 ⏰

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