Chapter 12: Alien Vs. Predator part 6

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The group continues walking through the pyramid, trying to find their way out. They come to a hallway with more statues of the warriors. Everyone looks at them, and the pictures on the walls. They see something on their shoulders. It's the machines that were in the sarcophagas. 

Lex: Recognize what's on their shoulders?

Sebastian: Yeah. 

Naruto looks at the pictures, and he sees that the warriors are holding them like guns. 

Max: We worshipped these things?

Naruto: According to this, we did. And the artifacts you removed from the sarcophagas...seem to be their weapons. 

Max: Hmm. 

Price: Weapons, huh? Sounds interesting. 

Lex: Let's keep moving. Only another 200 yards to the entrance. 

Everyone keeps moving ahead while the men have their weapons ready. Naruto looks around, as he feels like someone or something is watching them. He frowns as he looks at the ceiling. Just then, Naruto hears something drop behind him. He turns around, and sees a gun on the ground. Everyone turns around too. 

Naruto: What the heck?

Max: Take cover. Move! Move! 

Sebastian, Miller, Lex, and Weyland find cover as the soldiers and men spread out, looking around. 

Max: Where's Stone? Stone!

Gaz: What do you see, Naruto?

Naruto: I don't know. I don't see him anywhere in here. 

Price: Keep you eyes open, men! 

Naruto points his gun around in the air as he picks up Stone's gun. Just then, he spots something hiding in the shadows on top of one of the statues. Then, it throws something at him. Naruto kneels down to dodge it. It instead stabs a man that's behind him. He dies instantity. 

Naruto: Up there!

Price: Open fire!

Everyone open fires at the figure, but it disappears in the darkness behind the statue as they fire at it, breaking the statue apart a little. Everyone stops firing, and reloads their guns. They look at the statue. 

Price: Jeez! What the heck was that?

Naruto: I couldn't get a good look at it, sir. I couldn't see what or who it was. 

Gaz: And something tells me it's gonna come back. 

Just then, the walls all around begin opening up, along with the floor. Everyone looks around. 

Sebastian: The pyramid's shifting again! 

Price: (Looks up) There it is again!

They all look, and see the figure jumping across. They fire at it, but miss. And just before their eyes, it disappears out of sight, like it vanished, or turned invisible. Naruto looks around, and sees that everything is sealing up. 

Max: The doors are closing! Get out! 

One of the soldiers accidentally bumps into Connors, and they both fall down a hole on the floor. 

Price: Come on! Let's go! Everyone get out! 

Gaz: Come on! 

Miller: (To Verheiden) Let's go! Let's go!

Price: Naruto, let's go!

Naruto: Hold on! 

He runs to where Connors and the soldier fell. He kneels down and reaches for them. 

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