The light in my darkness

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Dedicated to KayleeGivesKisses

Genre: Short story

Interviewing characters: Mia Rodriguez. 


Hello Mrs. Mia or what should I call you?

You could just call me Mia *Smiles sweetly*

*Smiles back* Can you tell the readers what are you and describe your looks?

M: Okay well umm I'm human and I'm medium height with brown eyes and hair.

What is your story about and how far are your chapters? 

M: My story is about me being sexual abused by my step father and one of my closest friends Liam helps me out of it so in other words he's the light in my darkness.

So far we have 12 ongoing chapters.

You're what?! *Gasps* Do you want me to report to the cops? *Face turned in anger* How's the story so far and is there any problems your creator (author) doesn't like and wish to change it?

M: No no no please don't I could handle it and I don't think there is anything she would want to change.

*Softens her facial expression* Alright. Any flaws you have and if you were able to demand your creator to erase one of your flaws, which one do you NOT want and why?

M: I think the one flaw I have is being secretive but I'm not sure whether I want it or not.

Do you regret in any scene, that you wish for a time machine and restart the day correctly?

M: I would maybe want to start over the day that he first touched me because maybe if I told my mom then then I wouldn't have escalated to what it is now but it was way to hard for me since I was missing my dad since he had just left.

Who is your creator and describe his/her personality in your honest words?

M: My creator's name is Kaylee and honestly she's kind of lazy since she takes forever to update.

Does Kaylee (AKA KayleeGivesKisses) like your story and is she satisfied with the chapters?

M: Yes of course she likes the story if she didn't she probably would have started it over like books. However she isn't very satisfied with the chapter lengths cause they aren't long enough.

So do you perhaps know what readers can (hopefully) look forward to the ending? Not as a whole spoiler but in short words, like a glimpse of a sneak peek.

M: Ummm they could look forward to Liam getting more into the story if you understand what I'm saying.

Pretend you're promoting your book to your readers. What would you say to get their attention and read it?

M: I would say that it's full of twist and surprises.

In The light in my darkness, who is the main villain and who are the side characters that give love and support to you? 

M: The main villian is my step father Chris and the dude characters that give me love are Liam, even though he doesn't know what's going on, and Linzy my best friend.

Last question, any last words you want to say to readers and maybe someone special?

M: I would like to say thank you to all the people who read my story even though my WRITER never updates and I hope that you all will continue this wild journey with me.

I'm calling the cops *Boss stops her and explains* But- but... Alright... Thank you Mia for the interview! If you like this story then go to her creator's (KayleeGivesKisses) profile. Comment and vote the book (This one and The light in my darkness) if you enjoyed it.

Arigatou Gozaimasu and Sayonara! (Japanese meaning Thank you and Goodbye)

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