To Tame A Wild Heart [SS X OC Fan Fiction]

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Dedicated to MayaDemonAngel

Genre: Fanfiction/Romance

Interviewing character: Florina Woods.


Hello Mrs. Florina or what should I call you?

Hello! Oh Flora will be fine thank you. How are you?

Hello and I'm doing fine, thank you! *Smiles brightly* Can you tell the readers what are you and describe your looks?

F: Oh I am human but compared to the muggles, I am a witch. I was in an orphange my entire life but they say I am a muggleborn. Wasn't there to find out so, i believed them. I am of average height 5'4 and slightly chubby. I have ocean blue eyes and below the waist brunette reddish hair. And a babish face with raised cheeks. Its so weird to be talking about myself so much though haha.

Sorry, muggles? *Looks confused* What is your story about and how far are your chapters? 

F: Oh non-magic folk are called muggles in the wizarding world.

My story is quite confusing, i have a fairy who was ordered by her queen to lool after me. Whenever i ask her for the reason, she never tells me. My life is filled with lies, so many people telling me things at once and i dont know whom to believe. So my life is figuring out what my past was? I cannot seem to remember no matter how hard i try.

*Weird beeping sound* We interrupt this interview folks. A message from their creator so do listen.   

Creator: She got into severe depression that took over her for a year. Luckily she got help and was cured. Now we she was asked by the headmaster to teach at the wizarding school(Hogwarts). She took up his offer to have a new fresh start.

Now back to Flora's interview!

F: Ten chapters, still ongoing.

How's the story so far and is there any problems your creator (author) doesn't like and wish to change it?

F: Well it's going great for me that i get to live my dream. She however sometimes has writer's block, every author's worse enemy. Oh I dont think she wants to change anything because she already wrote the plot and the story's timeline beforehand. She sometimes has to go back to a few chapters to add and delete snippets though. But other than that, its going well.

Any flaws you have and if you were able to demand your creator to erase one of your flaws, which one do you NOT want and why?

F: Well, i think that would be that im too emotionally involved and jump to conclusions rather quickly. That had put me in alot of bad situations. Those made me mistrust people who were actually on my side.

Do you regret in any scene, that you wish for a time machine and restart the day correctly?

F: Oh Godric Yes! Whenever i have a fight with Severus, i always wished to go back in time and make it better. Especially when i met him for the first time, oh i made a bad first impression.

Who is your creator and describe his/her personality in your honest words?

F: My creator's name is Marwa but she likes to be called Maya. Her personality is quite similar to mine except that she is calm and rational. Iam spontaneous and reckless at times. She created me in order to face her own depression and I am glad it helped her figure it out. She is extremely passionate about her dreams and loyal to her loved ones. She is not always as focused unfortunately but when she is, nothing can stop her from achieving her goals. We were both placed in Slytherin for that very same reason.

Does Marwa (AKA MayaDemonAngel) like your story and is she satisfied with the chapters?

F: Yes she absolutely love this story and she is so proud of how it turned out. She always wanted to get that push and courage to share her stories with the world and she finally did, its amazing. And as for me, yes she is very satisfied. She understands that life is not easy and she always rises to any challenge in any situation she place me in. We are more like a team, trying to figure out how to get out of a conundrum. I am not the one who solves the problems, we do that together.

So do you perhaps know what readers can (hopefully) look forward to the ending? Not as a whole spoiler but in short words, like a glimpse of a sneak peek.

F: Oh! Well it's going to be shocking that is for sure. And a bit tragic too as one of our most cherished character will die trying to save me. Sadly that is war, we are going to lose alot of good people who tried to fight for what's right. But it won't be all dark though, every cloud has a silver lining. It will be a mix between happy and sad ending.

You mean no magic for reviving? That's sad... *Frowns* Pretend you're promoting your book to your readers. What would you say to get their attention and read it?

F: Yeah there is no magic to revive a dying soul unfortunately.

Hmm honestly i have never been good at advertising but i will give it a whirl. Follow along with a young witch by the name of Florina Woods who is returning to Hogwarts to pursue the position of History of magic Professor. After being released from St Mungo's, the young witch is full of hope and excited for a new fresh start. Little that she knew that that start was going to be a major turn around in her life. Our young witch has a secret yet to be discovered by her. And a love story that she never dreamed of having with a certain dark Potions master. Will he stand by her in her moment of need? Will he remember her again? Will he aid her in her quest to uncover her mysterious past?

In To Tame A Wild Heart, who is the main villain and who are the side characters that give love and support to you? 

F: Hmm saying the main villian will be a major spoiler so i have to refrain from saying that sorry.

But as for the ones who stood by me, they were Rose my fairy, David my ex-fiance's brother. Severus, but later in the story. Bubbles, a very sweet elf. Ruby, my healer or doctor as you say in the muggle world. And someone who i wasnt expecting to be the major supporter out of them all but again i cannot say because of spoilers.

Last question, any last words you want to say to readers and maybe someone special?

F: Sure! To my readers, I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart, truly. You guys were so supportive and wonderful to me and my creator. I wouldnt be here without you all wonderful people, so once again thank you.

To someone special, thank you so much for standing by me in my moment of need. I hate to see you being misunderstood all the time when you are a very rare breed. You showered me with your unconditional love. I feel very blessed that I have you in my life. I love you and will ALWAYS love you. I will stand by my vows to you till the day I die.

Thank you Florina for the interview! If you like this story then go to her creator's (MayaDemonAngel) profile. Comment and vote the book (This one and To Tame A Wild Heart) if you enjoyed it.

Arigatou Gozaimasu and Sayonara! (Japanese meaning Thank you and Goodbye)

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