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Lin quickly lifted Pippa's head from his shoulder, and looked her right in the eye. Instantly, the tear tracks that were once on his face seemed to dry. "You did what?"

"I-I didn't realize that with my double major, that I could-couldn't take all three tests in the span of a single 24 hours. Well, three tests if you count my minor, but same difference." Pippa spoke all in one breath, leaving Lin completely speechless.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It's supposed to mean that those three days after I passed every midterm I had, those three days where we just did nothing and stayed here, I was supposed to be taking my other midterms those days. Like, there's a schedule. I just went in the same 24 hours that--" Pippa started again, but Lin cut her off.

"Woah, woah, woah, stop. Just stop. Pippa, those rules are ancient. They don't enforce that anymore." Lin sat all the way up and shook his head. "Who drilled that into your head? Why are you so freaked out? There's nothing to worry about."

Pippa was astonished. "So I didn't cheat? I'm not going to lose my scholarship?"

"No. No, you're not." Lin sat Pippa up and gave her a hug. "Who put that through your head? Who-Who told you the you cheated?"

"Remember that call? From earlier? It was an unknown number, and I was going to ask how they even got my number, and a husky voice answered, and they said that they knew I cheated on my midterms, but I knew that I hadn't cheated on my midterms, but I know I didn't, but it got in my head, and I remembered reading something about that 24 hour rule somewhere, and--" Pippa rambled again.

"Oh my goodness, Pip, are you even breathing? Stop there for a hot second, my goodness." Lin rubbed Pippa's back. "It's late, Love. We should probably go to sleep. We can finish this talk in the morning, okay?" Lin nodded, finally noticing how tired he was, and how spent Pippa looked.

"Okay." Pippa whispered and laid back down.


It was nine a.m. when they both woke up and felt the need to clarify everything that happened only hours prior. So, Pippa explained the whole night, alcohol search and all.

"But you didn't drink, did you?" Pippa shook her head. "Good, good. Thank you for telling me."

"You're welcome."


Short and sweet filler chapter! Xx. ❤


Double Major // LippaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang