Her Story

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The two woke up that next morning, still sitting on the cushions of the bay window, Pippa with her head against the frame, and Lin, leaning entirely against the window itself. They both seemed to wake up at the same time to the hustle and bustle of the city around them. "Good morning, My Love." Lin whispered.

Pippa yawned and stretched. "Good morning."

"Doing alright?" Lin asked, rubbing the top of her knee.

"I guess." Pippa shrugged. "It still doesn't...I don't know. I'm just still in shock."

Lin nodded. "No, I get it." He dropped his hand from her knee and stood up. "C'mon, we can go get breakfast."

"Alright!" Pippa smiled and stood up, her back cracking as she rose up. "Man, I am too old for this."

Lin chuckled. "You are not."

"I swear that my body is actually seventy years old." Pippa laughed.

"Well, you look really good for seventy." He commented.

"Thanks." Pippa laughed once more. They both reached the kitchen to see Lin's sister, sitting at the table, sipping on a mug of tea. "Good morning!" Pippa told her.

"Good morning!" She called back. Luz watched as Pippa quickly excused herself and went down the hall to use the bathroom. "What's her story?" Luz asked as Lin sat down.

Lin snapped his head around and raised his eyebrows at his sister. "Excuse me?"

"Her story, what's it all about? She just...she just constantly looks nervous." She pointed out. "I don't know, it just kind of worries me. I just want to make sure she's okay."

"She's okay, Luz. Promise. And even if she wasn't, it wouldn't be your story to know." Lin turned around as Pippa came back.

"You all okay?" Pippa asked, confused by the sudden silence that fell over the room as she re-entered the kitchen.

"Yeah, yeah, we're fine. Why would you think anything different, Love?" Lin asked.

"I-I don't know." Pippa laughed. "I'm just being stupid." The two siblings at the table laughed as well, and at that, the tension in the room started to melt away.


After a Miranda family breakfast (plus Pippa, of course), Lin decided to take Pippa around his childhood neighborhood in the Heights.

"This is where I fell in love with garlic and parmesan chicken wings." Lin chuckled, pointing out one of his favorite restaurants to this day.

"Really? Right there?" Pippa laughed and pointed at the restaurant as well.

"Yep. Right there, table five." Lin commented as he re-linked his arm up with Pippa's, and they started down the snowy sidewalks once again.

"I love that you remember that." Pippa snickered.

"I love that you can appreciate my weirdly specific memory." Lin laughed, but soon stopped when he felt Pippa freeze up. "What's wrong, Love?" Lin asked, turning his wrist and grabbing ahold of her hand.

"Nothing." Pippa just shook her head. "Nothing is wrong. Sorry."

Lin looked over at his girl with concern, but decided just to not push this matter. "Alright, keep going?" Lin asked, and Pippa nodded. They continued their round through the Heights, Lin telling some of the cutest childhood stories that Pippa had ever heard, and near an hour and a half later, they were back at the house.

"Thank you for taking me around. That was really fun." Pippa told Lin as she hung up her coat.

"Of course."

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