Cheater, Cheater, Pumpkin Eater

698 21 58

Just a heads up: mentions/attempts at underage drinking

Lin's eyes widened as Pippa's filled with tears. The phone dropped straight from her hand as she ran into the bathroom and locked the door. "Pip?" Lin asked running after her. He shook the doorknob once learning it was locked. "Pip, open the door please." Lin frowned when he heard Pippa sobbing on the other side of the door. "Pip?" He asked, softer this time. Lin sat his back to the door. "Pip, what happened?"

"Nothing." Pippa said through sobs.

"Phillipa?" Lin asked once more.

"Fine!" Pippa shouted, ripping the bathroom door open.

"Hey, hey, don't yell." Lin grabbed both of her hands in his. "Don't yell, take a breath, let's talk about this rationally."

"There is nothing to talk about, Lin!" Pippa exclaimed, exasperated. She ran her hands over her face. "I feel sick." Pippa mumbled. She moved from standing up to sitting down on the bathroom tile. That comment alone made Lin's head spin as he sat beside her.

"What is wrong? Why do you feel sick? Who was on the phone? Do you want a glass of--"

"Just stop asking so many questions!" Pippa shouted, standing up and running out of the bathroom.

"Pippa!" Lin shouted as Pippa took her keys and a coat and went out of the dorm room. Lin cursed aloud when the door shut. He didn't know where she was going, what was running through her mind, nothing. He knew nothing regarding why his girlfriend just ran out of their dorm at 11:30 at night.


Pippa knocked on Jasmine's dorm room door, thanking the Lord when she opened it. "Pippa, hi, what's up, come in." Jasmine let her in the dorm.

"Where does your roommate keep her alcohol?"

Jasmine looked helplessly confused at her usual saint of a best friend, and now she was looking for alcohol underage. "Nowhere. The whole place was cleared when they sent her to wherever they sent her." Jasmine's old roommate, Mandy, was...let's just say...a bit too familiar with a few of the bullet points on the bar menu. "Hey." Jasmine grabbed Pippa's arm, making her flinch, as Pippa started opening and closing cabinet doors. "What is wrong with you? It's almost midnight, and you are underage. What are you looking for alcohol for?"

"I need to forget everything." Pippa mumbled.

"Forget what?" Jasmine turned Pippa all the way around to face her. "If you're looking for a distraction, there are healthier ways we can do that. We can watch a throwback movie, we can--" Jasmine started before Pippa cut her off.

"No, no, that won't help. That won't make it go away." Pippa tried to push past Jasmine.

"But drinking illegally won't help either." Jasmine made her point.

"Then let me go." Pippa whispered, but Jasmine held her there. "Let me go! Jasmine! Let me go!" Tears started falling down Pippa's cheeks.

"No. No, Pip. I'm not letting you go. You're going to do something stupid. In this mindset, you're going to, that's just how humans are. We're going to sit down, turn on a movie, and calm down. We don't have to talk about what's happening. We can call Lin, and--" Jasmine started.

"No! You can't call Lin! No, he'll be so mad!" Pippa stuttered. "He...he's going to hurt me, no."

"Pippa..." Jasmine lowered her voice. "Is Lin hurting you now? Did he hit you?" Jasmine was even more confused now. Lin wouldn't do that. Pippa backed up into the wall, and her breathing picked up. "Okay, okay, Pippa, listen, Love, you need to tell me if Lin has hit you or not."

"They figured me out! They...they know I cheated! I'm going to lose my scholarship! My parents are going to be more mad at me than they already are!" Pippa's breaths started skipping and becoming more laboured.

"You're avoiding my question, Pip. You can't make things up to try to escape this. Pippa, you've got to--" Jasmine started, carefully.

"No! I'm not making this up! There--There's some rule about...about my double major or something, but I broke it, and now I'm going to have to leave thi-this school, and--" Pippa just didn't stop.

"Woah, woah, woah, slow down. Slow down. You are not going to get your scholarship cut, I promise. But right now, please tell me if Lin has put his hands on you when you didn't want him to."

"N-No." Pippa whispered.

"Are you sure? Do you pinkie promise?" Jasmine held up her pinkie. Pippa hesitantly locked her pinkie with Jasmine's, and she looked back down. "Now, Pippa, it's late. It's almost one in the morning. Love, you need some sleep. Do you want to stay here, or do you want to go back home?"

"I don't know." Pippa whispered.

"Why don't I walk you back? You can be with Lin, and you can be comfortable, okay?" Pippa just nodded. "Okay, do you want me to call in backup? I can call in this guy right down the hall. He's in my directing class, and isn't afraid to get in a fight with someone who deserves it."

"No, it's fine. Thank you, though." Pippa whispered.

"Okay, let's get you back home." Jasmine started out the door.


They walked back to the dorm in silence, but stopped when they reached Pippa's door. The deja vu was real. "Promise me that Lin isn't hitting you?"

"I promise."

"Alright, goodnight, Love."

"Goodnight." Pippa hugged Jasmine and waited until she was down the hall before she opened her dorm door. Pippa was surprised when Lin didn't just run at her. She quietly made her way around to her bedroom, where she found Lin, laying down, his back facing the door (as per usual). Pippa sighed somewhat in relief, seeing how calm Lin seemingly was. It wasn't until she laid down and snuggled up to Lin like how they normally slept, that she realized Lin was laying wide awake.

"Oh, My God, Pip." Lin exhaled, pulling Pippa impossibly closer to himself. He exhaled slowly, as if he was waiting for it, as if he was holding his breath this whole time, which knowing him, he probably had been. "I love you so much. I love you so much. I love you so much." Lin repeated as he kissed Pippa's head.

"I love you too, Lin, but there's something I have to tell you." Pippa whispered.

"What is it, My Love? Are you alright?"

"Lin," Pippa's voice cracked. "I cheated on my midterms."

Lin quickly lifted Pippa's head from his shoulder, and looked her right in the eye. Instantly, the tear tracks that were once on his face seemed to dry. "You did what?"


A/N: I'm so sorry, My Loves. I'm sorry I've done this.

Please don't hate me.

I hope you still liked this one. Xx. ❤

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