The Night Of

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Alright, My Loves, we are jumping full speed ahead into the midterm shows! I apologize if this is rushed and trash, I'm currently at dress rehearsal, writing this on a sixty minute break, because the idea just came to me, and I knew I had to write it down before the stress of my upcoming shows made me forget it. I'm also not feeling my greatest, health-wise, so if I have typos or don't make sense, I'm sorry. Either way, that's enough rambling. Onto the chapter in 3, 2, 1...curtain is up. Enjoy the show. Xx. ❤

It was the night of the show, and all the acting majors were in the theater, ready to perform for their midterm grade. Pippa had apologized for her breakdown - even though Lin told her she had no reason to - and everything was coming together, finally. The only other thing was that their performances were watched by the other acting students; not the ones performing, but the upper and lower classmen, that were working for an either major or minor in acting. Sure, it was nerve-wracking, but it calmed Pippa down in one way.

She knew Lin was going to be there.

"Hey, Jonathan!" Pippa flagged down her co-star.

"What's up?" He backtracked and walked into her dressing room.

"I know you've done some character makeup in the past, so could you help me with my bruises?"

"Yeah, of course." Jonathan pulled a seat up and looked down at her desk that was littered with all kinds of makeup and brushes. "Okay, do you have any frame of reference Jazzy gave you for how she wants it to look?"

"Um," Pippa slid him one of the shots Bailey took that day she visited the crisis center with Lin. This picture focused on the one deep cut down the side of her face, and the bruises down her jawline and onto her neck. "I already did this one on my shoulder, and--"

"Do you need Beth to do this?" He cut her off.

"Huh?" Pippa tilted her head.

"I knew that this was your story, but I always thought that it was just dramatized for the show." He picked up the picture. "Pippa..." His voice drew out as he gave her a hug.

"No, you're fine. You're fine. Can we just..." Pippa pulled off.

"Yeah, yeah, of course. Yeah, I don't want to make you...yeah." Jonathan sat up and grabbed a makeup brush. He started putting different purple and red makeup down onto Pippa's cheek.

"My God, you're good at this..." Pippa whispered, catching a glimpse of the fake cuts and bruises down her face.

Jonathan chuckled and set the brushes down, and sprayed her face with setting spray so that the "scars" would stay. "Thanks, Pip."

"Alright, you ready to go?" Pippa stood up.

"Of course. Are you sure you're okay?" Jonathan asked, gingerly touching Pippa's shoulder.

"Yep, positive. I'm okay." Pippa nodded.

"Alright, break a leg. See you on stage." They exchanged their cute little good luck handshake and went to take their places as the first group to perform their show.

"You too." Pippa smiled and went to take her first mark.


The one act was going over nicely. All the fake fights were working out perfectly. They were headed into Pippa's favorite part of the show; the part where she meets Lin. Well, actually, she meets Jonathan who plays Ben, who's based on Lin, but same difference.

Pippa reached her lines that were given on the couch, to "Ben". These lines that were a tearful description of what had happened, and everything started to feel a bit too real again. Jonathan saw Pippa start to slip away, and he grabbed her hand, giving it a squeeze, to snap her back into it. Hopefully nobody noticed the bit of panic there. The show continued on, and as a cast, it went over quite nicely, they felt.

"Hey, Pip! Great show, My Love!" Lin snuck back to her dressing room.

"Oh my gosh, thank you!" Pippa exclaimed.

"Wait, there's more..." Lin presented Pippa with a bouquet of dip-dyed white roses.

"Thank you!" Pippa smiled even brighter than she had before. "I love you!"

"I love you too, Pip." Lin turned around after kissing her forehead to see Jonathan. "Hey!" They exchanged a quick hug. "Great show!"

"Thanks!" Jonathan smiled.

"Hey, good job taking care of this one." Lin chuckled.

"Eh, you do a better job."

"On stage, it was great." Lin nudged his shoulder before he excused himself to go talk to someone who called his name.

"Alright, I'm ready." Pippa said, collecting her belongings.

"Wait, one more thing. I've been wanting to do this for a while." Lin grabbed a makeup wipe and wiped away the fake gash on her shoulder she missed when taking her makeup off earlier. "Perfect."


A/N: Aw, sweet ending. As for me, maybe not so much. I'm not feeling too great, and we're looking at potentially rehearsing towards near midnight, so that's awesome. Also a double show day tomorrow, so fingers crossed that shows go well. Either way, I hope you enjoyed! Xx. ❤

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