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"Feeling any better, Love?" Lin asked, walking into the living area of the dorm with a cup of tea, as Pippa woke up.

"A little bit." Pippa's voice was a little raspy at the moment. Lin frowned slightly and touched the back of his hand to his forehead, then to Pippa's forehead.

"You're still burning up." Lin saw Pippa sigh, she hated being sick, and Lin knew it. "Why don't we see how today plays out, and then we'll go from there?"

"Alright." Pippa nodded, her voice still wasn't any better. She took a sip of the tea Lin had given her, and looked back up at him. "What?" Pippa asked.


"If you look at a sick person like that, it means something." She chuckled.

"It's just...I hate seeing you this sick." Lin frowned.

"I'm not that sick. It could be a lot worse." Pippa shrugged.

"I know that, Pip, but you're still sick." Lin sat beside her, and she laid her head back on his shoulder. Pippa shrugged, her eyes starting to flutter shut. "Still sleepy?"

"A little. But I just got up." She pulled the blanket up over her body once more. "And I haven't finished my tea yet."

Lin chuckled. "Well, if that's the case, why don't you finish your tea, take some Advil, then go back to sleep."

And that's exactly what Pippa did.


As Pippa slept, Lin worked on quietly cleaning up the dorm. It had been getting quite messy, seeing that Pippa had been completely drowning in work, she'd completely dismissed the housekeeping aspect of living in this dorm room. Lin smiled to himself, looking over the dorm he had finally organized. He was pulled out of his own head when he heard Pippa gasp.

"Lin..." She gushed. Pippa's eyes scanned over the dorm; it hadn't looked this good and clean in a long time. "Oh my gosh, thank you so much."

"Of course, Pip. I know that you don't like a messy room." He chuckled.

"You didn't have to do this." She smiled, wrapping her arms around Lin.

"But I wanted to, for you." Lin kissed the top of her head. Pippa pulled back from Lin's shoulder, her arms still around him. In that moment, Lin's smile fell. "Pip, you look really pale."

"I feel alright." Pippa shrugged.

"No, come here, let me take your temperature again." Lin grabbed her hand and led her to the bathroom, gently placing the thermometer under her tounge.


"Pippa!" Lin exclaimed, we've got to take you to a doctor!"

"No, that's a lot of hassle." She shook her head.

"Pippa, you're going to the doctor, this is dangerous. You need medicine or something, midterms are coming up, My Love, you need to be well." Lin touched her cheek, cringing at how hot she still felt.

"No, Li--" Pippa started, but in the middle of her sentence, a wave of heat passed over her body, and the room started becoming spotty.

"Pippa? Are you okay?" Lin asked, quickly becoming more and more concerned. "Pippa!" Lin exclaimed as Pippa weakly reached her arm towards Lin, and soon collapsed forward.

Good thing that Lin caught her.


A/N: SO sorry for the wait and now the short and trashy chapter, life's been throwing some hard times at me, so I'm sorry that I was off the grid for a bit. I hope you still enjoyed the chapter! Thank you for understanding. Xx. ❤

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