Something Different (Duex)

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"Are you sure?" Lin asked. "Because I was told something different."

Pippa shook her head. "What were you told?"

"I was told by a certain someone who walked you home that--" Lin started, but was quickly cut off by Pippa.

"Fine!" She stood up from the bed. Pippa exclaimed, turning to face Lin. Tears poured down her cheeks as she kept speaking. "I cheated on you! There! Is that what you wanted to hear?"

Lin's eyebrows scrunched together as he stood up on the opposite side of the bed from Pippa. "You cheated on me? What do you mean?"

"I mean that you've been kissing me on my lips since we got to your family's home for break, and someone else kissed my lips earlier tonight! That's what I mean!" Pippa looked down at her hands. "Lin, I am so, so--"

"Who kissed you? Was it Caleb?" Lin asked.

Pippa's head snapped up. "How do you know that?"

"It doesn't matter how I know it, Pippa! Did Caleb kiss you?!" He borderline yelled.

"Yes!" Pippa exclaimed, exasperated.

Lin's face fell, he started piecing together the blurry story Anthony had just told him over the phone. "Did you want him to kiss you?"

"No." Pippa whispered, tears starting to drip onto her hands.

"Pip, look at me." He said. Pippa slowly raised her head. "If you didn't want him to kiss you, if you didn't give him the okay to kiss you, then that's not cheating. That's assault." Pippa looked back down. "Please tell me that you understand the difference."

"I understand." Pippa whispered.

"Good. Thank you." Lin said. "Now, could you please tell me what really happened?"

"He just...pressed me against the wall, and told me that Matthew's death was my fault, and he kissed my lips and my neck, and if Anthony hadn't come in, I don't know what he would've done to me, but it was scary, Lin." Pippa still was looking down. "I thought he was going to touch me again, Lin! I was horrified!"

"I know, Pip, I know. But it's over now, you're safe." Pippa nodded. He was telling the truth. Lin would keep her safe. Pippa left the room to shower, feeling helplessly disgusting after what had happened that night. She dried her hair and put on some pajamas before laying back down with Lin. "Hey, Pip?" He asked once she laid down.

"What's up?"

"Where does this...where does this put us?"

"Where does what put us?" Pippa laid down on her pillow, facing Lin.

"This whole thing." Lin started. "I mean, you've said it: we've been actually kissing since break, and you considered even forceful kisses as "cheating" where does this leave us? Where does this leave our friendship?" He explained.

"I still don't get what you mean." Pippa said with a yawn. This whole thing had just clouded her mind.

"I mean, what are we? Are we friends, are we...I don't know. I mean, Pip, we've shared a bed for as long as I can remember, and--" Pippa started to cut him off.

"So you're saying that you want to establish if we're boyfriend-girlfriend or not, huh?" Pippa asked for clarification.

"Exactly." Lin nodded. "So, what do you say?"

"I say that calling you my boyfriend would be something I'd be happy to start doing, and with how well and how much you've taken care of me through this whole--" Pippa was cut off when Lin brought his lips to her's. After the kiss, Pippa chuckled gently. "I'll take that as you agree with me?"

Lin nodded with the largest smile on his face, ever. "I love you so freaking much."

"I love you so freaking much more."


A/N: It's official! ❤

Short chapter to transition us into what's next. All I'm going to tell you is that all good things must come to an end, and with that being said, comment what you think will happen next!

I hope you enjoyed it! Xx. ❤

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