Chapter 2- Kim Namjoon

Start from the beginning

"I don't think Ri Ta would appreciate this."
"She will be alright. I'm sure it's nothing super serious. She's made some bad decisions too."
"She has?"
"Yeah, her boyfriend is a bit odd. He basically tried to get me to sleep with him and she forgave him, but it all caused a huge fight."
"Why would she forgive him for that? That's wrong to you."
"She loves him. He hasn't pulled anything since but where she's going to be gone for a while I don't know how he's going to act. He calls me his sister but I'm still uncomfortable around him. I'm just uncomfortable around most guys anymore."
"Are you uncomfortable around me?"
"Actually.. no. It's weird now that I think about it.."

He chuckles to himself.

"What's so funny?"
"Nothing. Are you hungry?"
"I guess a little."
"Let's get some food then."

"Let's just take my car, I'll bring you back."
"Alright." I agree. Namjoon doesn't seem like a bad guy.. actually he's the only guy I don't mind being around whatsoever.

We get in and Namjoon drives to a small diner nearby.

He opens the door for me and we go in, order, and eat, half way through me eating and laughing with Namjoon my mom calls.
"Oh, it's my mom, hold on. Hello?"

"Honey, where are you?"
"I'm at a diner with Namjoon."
"Namjoon? Who's that?"
"He's a guy that transferred in from Korea."
"Well you should hurry home, it's getting late and you know how things have been around here-"
"Yes, I know. I won't get killed, don't worry. I'll be home in a bit. I love you, bye." I sigh as I hang up.

"She's worried you'll get killed too, eh?"
"Yeah. I need to head back as soon as we finish I suppose." I say trying to hide my disappointment.
"Alright. Also, this is on me, don't worry about paying." Namjoon said with a smile.

He's a completely different person when he isn't in class..

"You know.." Namjoon says as he starts his car, "it's funny that I don't even know the name of the girl I'm buying dinner for."
"Oh, I never told you? I'm so sorry. My name is Alexia Aikyo, but you should stick to Alex."
"Aikyo? thats not an English name is it?"
"No, it's Japanese. My dad is from Japan."
"Ah I see." He says. Then he seems to get lost in thought as he drove me back to my car.

"Here's my number, message me if you ever need anything." Namjoon says as he hands me a piece of paper through my window I had rolled down to talk to him. I had gone back to my car immediately once we were back at the park.
"Sure thing. Thank you for everything by the way."
"It's no problem at all. Now, head on home before your mom kills me for having you out too late."
"You make it sound like we went out on a date." I laugh.
"Ah, I'm joking of course. See you later Alex." He says with a smile. He walks back to his car.

I put his name and number in my phone and drive back home.


"Want to tell me more about this new guy?" My mom asked as soon as I opened the door.
"No, not really." I say as I put my keys in their place.
"Oh come on Alex, you've been saying boys make you uncomfortable and now you're out getting something to eat?"
"We we're discussing Ri Ta, it wasn't a date, so calm down."
"Ah, Alex, you know.. you really should find yourself a nice boy. Marrying young is the best option, don't you think?"
"Why are you like this?" I ask, laughing as I walk to the kitchen.
"You know I'm right!" Mom says as she runs to follow me.
"Okay, maybe you are, I really don't know, but I'm not interested in dating anyone."
"Whatever you say.. I'd like to meet this Namjoon guy.."
"There's no need for you to meet him, he's just someone I know."
"Mhm." She winks and walks off.

"I swear.." I sigh as I get something to drink.

I run up to my room and turn on my tv. Just as I get comfortable my phone goes off.

Eric: Did you happen to speak to Namjoon today?
Me: why?
Eric: Just wondering. He's kinda weird.
Me: weird?
Eric: yeah, from what Ri has told me he's a bit of a heartbreaker and a trouble maker.
Me: good for him.

Heartbreaker? Trouble maker? Where is this coming from? This is all so stupid..

Eric: I saw you with him at the diner today.
Me: and?
Eric: are you dating him already?
Me: hell no.
Eric: sure looked like it.
Me: why would you care?
Eric: because you're too good for him.
Me: I'm going to bed.

I lied, but I'm not interested in talking to him anymore. I turn my phone off and head out the door again. I head to the lake side, where no one usually hangs around so I can be alone. I get out of the car and walk around, enjoying the peace and quiet.

"Alex?" I hear a male voice say from behind me.
"Eric, what are you doing here?"
"I could ask you the same question. This is an odd place to go to bed."
"I needed to think. A lot has been going on, you know?"
"Yeah, I get that. I don't think you should be out here alone though." He said looking around as if he were looking to make sure no one else was around.
"I'm fine."
"It's dangerous you know, to be out here alone.. I don't want anything to happen to you Alex." He says pulling me into a tight hug.

//Namjoons POV\\

[Moments before]

I had been arguing with Ri Ta's boyfriend for a while when we heard someone walking around near by.
"We will finish this another time Namjoon." He growls.
"I don't want to speak to you, so I doubt it." I say as I walk away. I hear him walk towards the other person as I walk back out of the woods.
I look over and happen to see a familiar car.. Alex..

I walk back and follow the direction Eric went in.

I found Eric hugging Alex, though from Eric's glowing red eyes and fangs I knew his intent.
He happened to look up and we locked eyes. He bared his teeth at me and returned to normal.

"Hey, Alex." I say as I walk towards them.
"Namjoon? What are you doing out here?" She asks as Eric let's go of her.
"It seemed like a relaxing and quiet place. Did I interrupt anything?"
"No, not at all." Eric answers for her. "I'll get going. See you Alex." He says as he quickly leaves.

I sigh as Alex looks at me with confusion.
"I saw him hugging you and I remembered what you said about him. I didn't know if I should leave you alone with him or not."
"Thank you, I don't think he planned on doing anything but honestly you never know with him."
"I see.. weren't you supposed to go home?"
"Yeah, and I did, but I wanted to come out here and think a little."
"I see. Though, I think you should think more at home.. and also stay clear of me. I'm not exactly known for being good luck. Head on home for me and try to avoid me. You still have my number if you ever need me though." I say as I walk away.

It's better she stay out of my world.

It's better she stay out of my world

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I'm a Monster. • Kim Namjoon / RM •Where stories live. Discover now