We're in his home.

His eyes narrow when they land on me but he doesn't say a word. Instead he pulls a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket. He lights one, tossing the pack and a lighter on the table in front of him and drawing in a long breath. The smoke billows out of his mouth before he takes another puff.

"I like you Styles."

A humorless chuckle falls from my lips and I shake my head in disbelief.

"After the ordeal you just went through, most would be sitting here terrified. Ready to beg for their life." He pauses, taking another long draw on his cigarette, "But not you. You're just angry."

I don't respond, my eyes flicking to the gun on the table between us.

"You want to kill me."

My vision locks with Carter's, my heart beating harder in my chest as he picks up the gun and loads the clip into it.

"Is this what you were planning on using to do it?" He turns the gun over, examining it thoughtfully, "A quick bullet to the head.. it's not a bad way to leave this world."

"A far to easy way for you."

Carter smiles, almost seemingly impressed by my inability to control my tongue.

"Where did you get the gun?"

I set my jaw, keeping my mouth shut as I glare at him.

"You're not the type of man to carry a weapon." He muses, "You were far to slow trying to reach for it. So where did you get it from?"

My silence only makes him smirk as he takes yet another drag from his cigarette.

"Alright I'll guess. A friend.. Maybe a friend of a friend." He toys with me, "Maybe.. a lover."

I stare at him blankly, my heart hammering in my chest.

"You're good Styles." He grins, putting out his cigarette and gripping the gun more firmly. "To good to resist apparently."

Sucking in a sharp breath, I narrow my eyes at him.

Stay calm. Don't let him f.uck with you.

"But then again.. so is she. Those long legs, skin smooth as silk. The kind of beauty that causes even women to turn and admire her as she passes by."

He waits for a reaction, but I disappoint him yet again.

Just keep your f.ucking mouth shut Harry.

"And that little noise she makes when she comes.."

"Never have heard her make a little noise when I've made her come." I spit, cursing myself immediately.

The grin falls from Carter's face, his jaw clenching.

"You still haven't learned your first lesson have you Styles?" He slams the gun down onto the table, "You f.uck with me and people you care about will die. Do you need a reminder?"

"No." I force out through gritted teeth.


Two white envelopes are placed on the table, one in front of Carter and one in front of myself.

"You'll find instructions inside." Carter informs me, "You're to follow them implicitly."

He picks up the other envelope laying in front of him, pulling out a few pictures.

The Most Dangerous Game (Harry Styles AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz