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I adjust the white SnapBack on my head, gazing out over the golf course.

Golf was massively different from boxing, but I still loved it.

It was slow, you had time to plan out your next move. And there wasn't anyone trying to knock your teeth out between swings.

Now and then I managed to drag Nate and a few of the other lads along with me, but rarely. And never to a course like this one.

Piping Rock Club was for the overly privileged only. You couldn't just pay to join, money wasn't enough to get you into the elites ranks.

You had to be someone. Or at least someone to the club.

I'd received looks of shock when I rode up to the clubhouse on my bike. The valet didn't know quite what to do with himself when I chucked him the key to my only prized possession.

I was turned away the second I stepped through the white French doors, an older gentlemen in a tailored suit trying to gently prod me out before any members saw me.

I wasn't surprised at my unwelcome reception. The ripped skinny jeans covering my legs, scuffed boots adorning my feet, and motorcycle helmet held under one arm screamed 'I don't belong'. I'm not quite sure the place had ever seen anything other then crisp chino's and Italian leather.

But when they heard I was a guest of Carter's, everyone's demeanor towards me changed entirely.

Suddenly I was offered profuse apologies, a cold drink, a place to change, and a free caddy.

I accepted all except the last, politely refusing to have some lad follow me around out in the heat all day. I could carry my own bloody clubs.

I had ignored the upturned noses as I was led to the men's locker rooms, my duffle bag thrown over my shoulder as multiple eyes followed my movement like I was a threat to their very existence.

When I emerged in my white slacks and black polo, I'm seemed to blend in more. No longer sticking out like a sore thumb.

But that didn't keep me from quickly making my way to the back of the clubhouse and stepping outside.

I didn't have to wait long before I saw Carter stepping outside, prompt as usual and followed by the one person who managed to make my heart stop and beat faster all at once.

How is that even possible?

Everly's eyes widened when she spotted me, obviously not having been informed I'd been invited to join their game.

I tried, bloody well tried not to let my eyes wander down her slim figure and long legs, but it couldn't be helped.

She's right fit. Somehow both undeniably sexy and unbelievably cute at the same time. Plus she was proper smart and witty. The lot of it making her more appealing then any woman I'd crossed paths with before.

And she had no f.ucking clue what she was doing to me standing there in her pink mini skirt, tight little polo, and white visor.

I couldn't help the grin that spread across my face as she fidgeted. Shifting her weight from foot to foot as Carter held his cell phone up to his ear.

Oblivious to the fact I was blatantly checking out his so called significant other. And impervious to the tension that flowed between us.

The Most Dangerous Game (Harry Styles AU)Where stories live. Discover now