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My fingers tremble as they remain tightly clutched around my phone.

It can't be true.

It can't.

Glancing around the room, a few random eyes watch me, clearly concerned about my unexplained presence.

"Miss, he'll see you now." An older woman gives me a worried smile, pointing towards a door with the words Assistant Director etched into the glass.

Standing up, I pull my bag over my arm before striding across the room and slowly opening the door.

I'm not greeted as I step through the doorway. In fact not one word is spoken as I close the door behind me and take a seat across from the wooden desk set in front of floor length windows.

I'm only watched closely, eyes studying me below pulled eyebrows. A tight lipped frown only easing when a light breath is exhaled slowly.

"Miss Abbott, you do understand the danger of coming here. " Director Grant sighs. "We discussed it thoroughly in your briefing, so I know you're well aware of the risk you're bringing not only to yourself, but also to Agent Tate and the entire mission as well..."

"I do." I nod.

"Then please tell me why you thought it appropriate to just show up here, at my office, instead of arranging a meeting according to your instructions." He sits forward in his seat, resting his elbows on his desk.

"You lied to me."

"How so?"

"You told me my father wasn't working for you."

"And how exactly is that a lie?" He looks at me curiously, making my anger rise.

"Because of this." I slide my phone across his desk.

He takes it, eyes flicking to me before pressing play. His countenance doesn't waver as he watches the video through.

"My father was working with Meredith Carter." I state once it finishes and he looks to me.

"He was, yes."

"Which means you lied to me."

"It most certainly does not."

"You're seriously going to sit here and deny this?" I raise my voice.

"Miss Abbott, your problem is you ask the wrong questions. When we brought you on, I gave you the opportunity to ask me any question and I gave you my word I would give you an honest answer. You asked me if your father was working for me and I said no. That was the truth, he was not working for me. He was however working for the Central Intelligence Agency. That would be why he is seen with Mrs. Carter in this footage. Footage that I'm sure you acquired illegally."

"You didn't think it was important to tell me that?! That my father was CIA?!"

"No, not at the time." He answers frankly. "And you didn't ask."

"This video.." My voice wavers. "The date on it.."

"Is after you traveled to Europe to identify your fathers remains." Director Grant finishes my sentence for me.

"Who did I bring back from Japan?" I ask hesitantly.

"Your fathers partner, Agent Matthews."

The Most Dangerous Game (Harry Styles AU)Where stories live. Discover now