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There's something about waking up in bed next to someone.

The feel of the warmth next to you. The soft breathing coming from just a few feet away.

You somehow don't feel quite as alone and the world seems just a little smaller.

As I roll over onto my side, looking at the man sleeping next to me, I realize something has changed.

This morning I don't feel that way.

In fact I feel more alone then ever.

It's been seven months since Carter approached me at the MET.

Five since I started sleeping in his bed.

It wasn't every night, not nearly. I still had my own apartment. I still went to classes at NYU. Though small, I still had this other life that had nothing to do with him.

But only because he allowed me to.

The small sense of freedom I had was a facade. I knew if one day if he decided, I could lose it all. I'd have no choice, I couldn't simply say no.

Carter doesn't except no. And I had a job to do.

When we met I was intrigued by him. I'd never met anyone like him before. No one has met anyone like Carter before.

He was charming, confident, and extremely good looking. He was the most powerful man in New York. Him simply talking to me made me feel special.

He had swept me off my feet.

At one point I even thought I loved him. And when I gave myself to him willingly, I woke up feeling a little less alone in the world.

Three months in, he told me he loved me.

But Carter's definition of love wasn't the same as mine. It was controlling, untrusting, and borderline obsessive.

At first it was sweet, him ordering for me at restaurants or giving me a dress as a gift. But it wasn't long before he was making me over completely.

Making me fit into this mold of his. Wearing what he preferred, eating what he wanted me to, all the way down to him deciding the color of my nails.

He wanted perfection.

But I was far from perfect.

I took it all in stride. Until one day I couldn't. I'd had enough and I was done with him. But he wasn't done with me.

He made sure I had no choice but to stay with him. And I was offered a job I couldn't refuse.

To carry on just as I had been. Being the perfect girlfriend who adored him.

And I played the part well. So well I almost fooled myself from time to time.

There were days he was the Carter I met all those months ago. Sweet and kind.

Days I didn't feel trapped. Days I actually felt loved. Days I was happy.

But they were rare.

So few and far in between I wondered if they ever happened at all.

When he stirs next to me, I quietly slip out of bed, pulling on my white nightgown and tiptoeing across the room.

I close the door softly behind me and make my way downstairs in search of my phone.

I find it on the entryway table, next to my bag and a box of Carter's favorite cigarettes.

I unlock it, finding three new texts messages. A smile creeping into my face when I see who they're from.


I bite my bottom lip, shaking my head at myself in anger. So stupid.

The thought of him should not be making me smile.

I take a seat at the bottom of the stairs, unlocking my phone. Fully intending to just erase the messages.

He's Bridgette's problem now.

But instead I find myself clicking on the small icon to read them...

Just wanted to thank you for the most wretched night of my life. Won't be taking dating advice from you again, you're awful at it. -H

On a high note, I now know the best method to apply a smokey eye. There's just a glimpse of the lovely banter Bridgette and I shared. And the key is blending, in case you're wondering.

Also if you want to discuss the spring selection of new Prada bags, I'm now fully knowledgable. Another check off my bucket list. Thank you for that.

I once again fight the smile on my face as I text him back... You're very welcome. Glad you enjoyed yourself.

It only takes seconds before my phone dings with a response... If by enjoyed you mean it took effort to keep from drowning myself in my soup, then yes.

She's not that bad... I type back, trying not to laugh at how dramatic he's being.

She made me take a Cosmo quiz with her. Apparently I'm a strong willed woman afraid of commitment. You owe me a proper dinner.

Do I?

Yes. Have dinner with me tonight.

I can't. I find myself texting back without giving it a second thought. How about breakfast?

Sounds even better. Shall I get you from your place?

I'm not home. Just text me where you want to go and I'll meet you there in 45.

45 it is. See you soon Everly.

I lock my phone, running my hand through my long hair as I consider what I've just agreed to.

I'm being stupid. So stupid.

I should call him right now. Tell him there's no way I'm going to breakfast with him. Now or ever.

But I don't.

Cause I'm just that. Stupid. Completely foolish for taking such a huge risk.

And wondering why in the h.ell it feels absolutely worth it.

I know it's short, but I wanted to give you guys a little glimpse of what's going on in Everly's head. ;) Please vote!

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