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Raising my beer in victory, I grin triumphantly as Nate whines.

"Does it ever get f.ucking annoying? Being good at everything?"

"Let me think... Nope, doesn't seem to."

"Course it doesn't, you a.sshole." Nate laughs, setting his controller on the coffee table, "I need to find a friend who sucks at everything like I do. Is that to much to ask for?"

"Don't think so. Look how fast I found you after moving to the states.." I point out, chuckling as I take another swig of my drink.

"I can't believe I let you treat me like this! You know, my mom warned me about men like you."

"Did she?"

"Only every time I see her."

"Still can't convince her you're straight?" I laugh.

"I've stopped trying." He rolls his eyes. "Caught me with her f.ucking preachers daughter last time I was staying at her place. Told me she understood me wanting to experiment but I shouldn't be ashamed of who of I really was."

"And who is that exactly?"

"Apparently a lover of d.ick. Who actually happens to prefer spending as much time as possible inside a nice tight.."

"I get the picture." I cut him off, glancing at my watch. "And hate to say it, but you need to go."

"What? We just started playing!" He complains. "You're already kicking me out?"

"You've been here for fours hours Nate. I've played enough FIFA to last a month. I'm bored of it."

"You never get tired of FIFA." He narrows his eyes at me questioningly. "What's the real reason?"

"The real reason is what I just said." I lie, flicking the telly off and standing up. "Didn't you have plans tonight anyway?"

"Yes, to keep my a.ss planted firmly on your couch, drinking your booze and eating your food."

"Funny. Now out."

"You're ruining my life right now, I hope you know that." He stands up, gulping down the remainder of this beer.

"You'll forgive me."

"I will if you tell me why you're really making me leave. Is it cause Toddlers with Tiaras is coming on? I told you, you don't have to be embarrassed. We can watch it together. I'll only judge you behind your back, like true friends do. Give you my word."

"I've no bloody clue what you're even going on about." I shake my head, nudging him towards the door.

"You're breaking my heart here H. Open up to me. According to my mom were soul mates so you can tell me anything and I'll still love you."

"Your mum is absolutely mad." I grab his jacket, shoving it in his hands. "Now go on, I've got things to do."

"Fine, but don't call me when..." He starts to open my front door, his voice fading off when he spots Everly standing on the other side of it.

Hand held up as is she's about to knock, her eyes widened in surprise.

"Everly!!" Nate engulfs her in a hug, pulling her into my flat and closing the door. "What a lovely surprise!"

"Oh?" She glances at me, raising her eyebrows.

"H said he had things to do, didn't realize he meant you."

The Most Dangerous Game (Harry Styles AU)Where stories live. Discover now