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My hands remain clutched tightly around Harry's torso, holding on to him as we speed through the crowded streets of lower Manhattan.

New York is always alive, no matter what time of day it was. Even now, late into the night, there are pedestrians walking along 5th Avenue.

Going about their normal lives, taking no note of us as we blew past them on Harry's motorcycle.

I understood now why Carter's men always lost him when he traveled this way. Easily passing inbetween cars stuck in traffic, there was no way they'd be able to follow him.

We finally slowed to a stop in front of a large apartment building, one I'd never seen before. Harry pulls us up to the curb before turning off the bike and dropping the kickstand down with his foot. His right hand immediately comes up, offering help for me to slide off the back of the bike.

I stand staring up at the building as he swings his leg over the bike, standing on two feet as he pulls the helmet off his overgrown curls.

"You good?" He asks as he reaches for my helmet, unbuckling it for me and pulling it gently off my head.

"Yeah.." I nod, adjusting the bags slung over my shoulders. "Where are we?"

"You'll see. Let me take those." He reaches for the bags, taking them from me and slinging them over his shoulder before grasping my hand. "Come on."

I let him lead me up the steps and into the building, towards one of the elevators inside. I keep hold of his hand the entire ride up, feeling nervous for some reason.

We stop on the sixth floor, Harry leading me out and down the hallway before stopping in front of one of the apartments. He knocks twice, the sound of his knuckles hitting the hard wood echoing down the long corridor.

"Who lives here?" I ask, looking to Harry.

He glances at me briefly, looking over my face as the door in front of us opens.

I instantly gasp, sucking in a sharp breath of air at the site of my father standing in front of us.

"Dad?" My voice comes out hoarse and shakey.

"I'm so sorry Everly," He starts, "I had to make it.."

His voice is cut off by the sound of my right hand hitting his cheek.

"I thought you were dead!" I raise my voice at him, "How dare you.."

"Love, inside." Harry stops me, pushing me through the doorway as my father steps aside and quickly closes the door behind us.

I huff, trying to control my breathing as my vision goes red.

"I can't believe you!" I spit, looking across the room at my father.

"Everly, I..."

"Let her speak." Harry cuts him off as he drops our bags onto the floor.

"I brought what I thought were your f.ucking remains back from..." I pause, my hand moving up and rubbing my forehead, "Oh my God, I packed up all your stuff in the apartment! Do you have any idea how hard that was?!"

"I know. I'm sorry."

"I stood over your grave, alone! Crying for weeks over you and you were fine this whole time!?" I shake my head at him. "How dare you put me through that!"

"I'm sorry, I.."

"How long have you been in New York?" I ask, shaking my head at him. "How long?!"

The Most Dangerous Game (Harry Styles AU)Where stories live. Discover now