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I don't hesitate before heading down the short hallway that opens into the living room.

The wide smile gracing Bridgette's face is a complete contradiction to the look of shock covering Everly's.

No, not shock. Fear.

But I don't feel afraid. Not in the least.

I know precisely what sort of woman Bridgette is. She's self serving, not loyal in the least.

She knows about us, Everly and I, but she wouldn't be here if she'd already shared that information with Carter.

She wants something.

I take a seat next to Everly, a dull pain running up the center of my chest when she moves away slightly.

I try to tell myself it's a force of habit for her. Distancing herself from me is a knee jerk reaction when someone from Carter's world is around. It's a protection.

But to me, it still feels like a rejection. Something I'd never do to her.

It still hurts.

"Aren't you two just the cutest couple..." Bridgette breaks the silence filling the room, her voice overly cheerful.

"We're just friends." Everly lies, "We..."

"Cut the bulls.hit." Bridgette cuts her off, "You called out his name this morning."

My eyes flick to Everly, her cheeks flushing as she responds. "What?"

"I heard you, you said his name..." Bridgette points at me. "This morning after Carter and I f.ucked."

"Wait, what?!" I finally open my mouth, my words coming out a lot louder then I intended them to. "You had s.ex with Carter?!"

Bridgette chuckles, shaking her head at Everly, "So you don't tell him everything. And here I thought he was in on the whole thing."

"What thing?" I question.

"Oh, this is going to be fun." Bridgette grins, sitting back on the couch and folding her arms.

"You don't know anything, stop acting like you do." Everly's voice wavers.

"I know enough. Which is apparently loads more then Harry here."

"What thing?" I repeat, raising my voice.

"Shall you tell him or should I?" Bridgette asks Everly.

Everly remains silent, her eyes locked on Bridgette.

"Alright then.." Bridgette sighs dramatically, turning towards me. "Everly is using..."

"Stop!" Everly yells, standing up abruptly. "What do you want?!"

Bridgette grins triumphantly as she pulls her cellphone out of her bag. Tapping the screen a few times, she holds it out towards us.

"I want five hundred thousand transferred into that account. Right now."

"We haven't got five hundred thousand dollars." I scoff. "Every dime I've made I've sent back home."

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