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I hold the mug of hot tea in my hands tightly, soaking up the warmth from it.

Taking a sip, I breathe in the scent before glancing across the coffee table into the deep green eyes staring back at me.

It was less then five hours ago that I thought he was gone for good. That I'd turned him away, saying whatever hateful things I could to get him to go. My only goal was for him to be safe, far away from here. Far away from me.

But he didn't go. He did the one thing that no man in my life has ever done before.

He stayed.

Setting my mug down on the table next to the couch, I push up the sleeves of the oversized sweater now adorning my upper half. It's not mine, but it was sitting on the counter of my bathroom when I stepped out of the shower, along with a pair of my leggings.

It's the first time I've worn a piece of Harry's clothing, a piece of any man's clothing for that matter. I don't know what promted him pull it out of his bag and set it out for me to wear, choosing it instead of one of my own countless articles of clothing stuffed into my closet. But I was grateful for it. And surprised at how comforted I felt wrapped up in something of his, something that smelled like him.

I take a deep breath, trying to prepare myself for the story I'm about to tell.

Hoping that by the end of it he's not wishing he had left on that plane.

"The first time I saw him was at the MET." I begin slowly but softly. "I was in the Japanese art section, just trying to clear my head.. He came up to me and I was pleasently surprised at his knowledge of the sculpture I was standing in front of. He was charming, intellegent, and he just had this way about him. His confidence attracted me. I ended up going to a late dinner with him that same night."

Harry frowns, biting his lower lip into his mouth as he leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees.

"Honestly, I had a great time with him." I go on. "So when he asked to see me again, I said yes. Within a month, we were seeing eachother several times a week. He was incredibly sweet to me, interested in the same things I was.. He swept me off my feet, constantly surprising me with little gifts. I had just gone through having to deal with my father's death, and being with Carter.. I actually felt happy again. And that meant alot to me."

"You fell in love with him?" Harry asks, his voice sounding a bit defensive.

"I thought I did yes." I nod. "But the man I thought I fell in love with wasn't the real Aiden Carter. So in reality no, I never truely loved him."

"Go on."

"Are you sure you want me to get into this part?" I ask, seeing how tense his body had become.

"Yes, don't leave any bits out."

"Okay.. I, um... it was a little over three months in that he told me he loved me. I didn't hesitate in saying it back. That was the first night we slept together. After that things started changing."

"How so?"

"It was just little things at first. Insisting on ordering for me at restuarants, seeming very unhappy when I was wearing anything other then what he had bought me. It wasn't long before he was completely making me over. Picking out my clothes, my food, everything. Then I found out about the other women."


"Margo, Bridgette.." I pause, "And Maya. They all lived with him, and he was sleeping with all of them."

The Most Dangerous Game (Harry Styles AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora