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"Would you like some tea Miss Abbott?"

"Thank you Martha, but no." I smile at the maid, looking up from the book resting in my lap.

"Are you sure? You've been waiting awhile."

"I'm sure. If I change my mind I can help myself, I know you're very busy."

Martha smiles at me softly. "Mr. Carter wouldn't hear of it. Just let me know if you need anything."

"I will. Thank you." I nod at her before she steps out of the room.

I focus back on my book, it being one of many I've read while waiting for Carter in his library. Never have I seen him open one himself, the first editions all being neglected before he showed me this room.

The only room in the thirteen thousand square foot Manhattan townhouse that I actually enjoy.

"Trying to get the help in trouble again?" Chloe's voice makes me look up from my book a second time.

Only this time it's without a smile on my face.

"Mary has a job to do, you should stop interfering with it." She goes on, turning her nose up at me.

I bite my tongue, refusing to give in to another one of Chloe's attempts to start a petty fight with me.

She takes a seat across from me on a linen arm chair, her planner set on her lap as she glares at me.

"How is Harry coming along?" She asks.

"How would I know?" I shrug, keeping my eyes on the pages of my book. "Ask Bridgette."

"He doesn't care for Bridgette apparently. Seems to me he prefers dim witted blondes."

"But you're a brunette." I furrow my eyebrows in mock confusion as I look over at her.

Chloe narrows her eyes at me. "You may have Carter fooled, but I'm not."

"What exactly are you implying?"

"I'm not implying anything. I'm just simply watching how this is all going to unfold. Not well for you I'm afraid."

I slam by book shut abruptly, causing Chloe to flinch. "Nothing is going on between Harry and I. And even if there was, which there isn't, Carter isn't going to suddenly want to be with you."

I stand up, smiling at the shocked look on her face. "Do yourself a favor Chloe and stop pinning after a man who's never once thought about you as anything other then an employee."

"Do myself a favor?!" She stands up. "You have no idea who you're messing with you stupid.."

"Getting along well as always I see." Margo cuts Chloe off as she steps into the room.

"Swimmingly." I give Margo a smile.

"Carter was looking for you." Margo says to Chloe who smiles triumphantly.

"Was he?" She smiles smugly.

"Yes, both of you actually. He was wanting you to meet his guest Everly." Margo glances at me before turning her attention to Chloe. "And he mentioned something about having you pick up his dry cleaning Chloe."

Chloe's smile fades, quickly being replaced by a scowl as she stalks out of the room defeated.

"She's becoming a liability." Margo says quietly once we're alone.

"Chloe's all talk. She's been that way since I started dating Carter. I wouldn't worry about her."

"She's obsessed with him, and you're in the way. I wouldn't put it past her to try something drastic. She could ruin everything."

The Most Dangerous Game (Harry Styles AU)Where stories live. Discover now