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  it was just a few seconds away, your death

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  it was just a few seconds away, your death. but you didn't know that, neither did half the universe. you were fighting the hardest you've ever fought, and you and the others still lost. bucky was stood beside you, his hand held in yours as steve asked thor where thanos had gone. the gun he was once holding now on the ground to hold your hand.

that's when you felt it, bucky's hand was melting. that's what it felt like anyway. bucky looked down at his free hand before stepping towards steve, after saying his name, he looked back at you helplessly as he fell forward. but he never felt the pain of the fall, as he was nothing but ash in those short seconds.

you had wondered who it was that cried out before realizing that it was yourself. you had collapsed where bucky once was falling in agony.  then you felt something in your gut, something that wasn't right. with steve by your side at bucky's ashes, you looked down at your disintegrating hand. you had looked up at steve with horror as he repeated something that sounded like not you too. you gasped out one sentence before your ashes floated down over bucky's.

"Avenge us, Steve."

OH SO MARVEL-OUS|| AVENGERS GIF SERIES Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora