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   frustration overtakes you as more time passes without a word from your girlfriend

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   frustration overtakes you as more time passes without a word from your girlfriend. while she was worried about what happened at the banquet, you were upset that she didn't go to you for help with it. on top of that, there was now a one eyed dog that had randomly appeared that's eaten the left over pizza they had shared.

you pace her apartment while biting your lip to the point of blood. you picked your phone up off the table and went to dial her number again when the door slammed open. as if on cue your girlfriend walks in with cuts scattered over her face. relief overtakes you and you can't control the hug that you rush her into. she hugs back but every briefly, as if you scared her. you back away and look behind her to find an older man acting openly cautious around you.

"So when were you going to tell me about the whole meeting your idol thing."

"Hopefully after the trouble was over."

"Well, judging by the trucks squealing outside, I'm guessing it's not."


"It's a joke chill."


"Maybe not."

OH SO MARVEL-OUS|| AVENGERS GIF SERIES Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat