Chapter 7

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"That's why you fainted in the sky. We killed Gaea in the sky," Piper explained. I was sitting in the Big House on a couch. Chiron, a centaur, was pacing the room, his hooves pounding the floor. Annabeth and Percy were sitting on a chair, nervously gazing at me. Piper and Jason were leaning a ping pong table with Hazel and a boy named Frank next to them. Frank was a big, muscular dude who was the son of Mars, the Roman form of Ares, the god of war.

"Yeah, I exploded her," a boy grinned. He was building some gadget in the corner while sitting next to a beautiful girl. She claimed that she was Calypso. I recalled learning about her in my book.

"Leo!" Piper scolded and threw a ping pong ball at his head.

"Ow!" He whined. He was small and impish, and his eyes glittered with amusement. He didn't look like a son of Hephaestus because of how small and skinny he was, but he was the son of Hephaestus according to Jason.

"We were on a quest to defeat Gaea last year. Annabeth, Percy, Hazel, Leo, Jason, Frank, and I were 'the seven' of the second great prophecy," Piper explained. She told me about all of their adventures and told me about my mother.

"How could you have been born if she was asleep, though?" Leo asked. Calypso hit him.

"Leo, Annabeth popped out of her mom's head, and you're questioning how someone gives birth while asleep?" Percy laughed. Annabeth hit him as well.

"Chiron, what does this mean?" Nico asked. I jumped, just remembering that he was in the room. Nico had a tendency to hide in shadows. The old centaur stroked his well-trimmed beard in thought.

"We must keep an eye on Brooke. Her mother may be able to get into her head, and we must make sure she is on our side," he stated calmly. He gave me an apologetic look.

"What do you mean? I thought Gaea was dead!" Percy cried alarmingly. Chiron shook his head.

"It is like Kronos. He is not dead, he is just floating around harmlessly in little particles, so to speak. Gaea cannot harm anyone, but since she is immortal and cannot become fully dead, she may be able to influence Brooke," Chiron explained. Percy exhaled slowly but looked uneasy at the thought that Gaea may still be alive somehow. I know I was afraid that she would get into my head. Nobody was going to make me hurt my new friends, my only friends.

"How will you know if something is wrong?" I ask sadly. Chiron seemed to pick up on my nervous state, so he sat down into his magical wheelchair that made him look human. He wheeled over to me and patted my shoulder.

"We will keep you with one of the seven all of the time. They understand Gaea since they have fought her. They will take care of you," Chiron assured. Unfortunately, nobody seemed eager to be near me at the moment. Leo furiously built his gadget while Calypso played with her fingers. Percy still looked shaken. Piper and Annabeth avoided my gaze, while Hazel and Frank exchanged nervous glances.

"Where will she stay?" Piper asked Chiron.

"For now, she can alternate cabins depending on who is with her that day. We can start building her her own cabin. The Hephaestus kids need something to do," Chiron informed. Everyone nodded and stood up. In the distance, a horn blew signaling dinner.

"Come," Chiron said grimly and wheeled out of the Big House. The others slowly got up and followed him. I was left last, all alone.

"Hey. You'll be okay," a voice said behind me. I turned around. Nico di Angelo was smiling sadly at me. He lead me out, assuring me that everyone will get used to me. He should know. He was the son of the god of the Underworld.

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