Chapter 6

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"We are so lucky that they all are here," Percy laughed. He sat down with the others. A girl about sixteen was on the left of the bench in front of us. She wore a silver parka and jeans. Her choppy black hair reached her chin. Her bright blue eyes lined with black eyeliner reminded me of someone, but I wasn't sure who. She also had a silver tiara of sorts on. Next to her was the boy who took Oak to the infirmary, Jason Grace. He was wearing glasses now.

Next to him was a young girl. She had dark skin and very curly hair. Her kind eyes were the color of gold. Next to her was a very pale boy with dark eyes and hair who seemed to be around my age. He scowled, but the girl was hugging him in a sisterly kind-of way.

"Guys, introduce yourselves," Annabeth said in a bossy sort-of-way that reminded me of a mother telling her children to be polite. The girl on the left laughed.

"I'm Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus. I'm also the lieutenant to Artemis for the Hunters of Artemis," the girl explained. That's when I realized why her eyes were familiar. They were the same as Jason, who I supposed was her brother.

"You know me, Brooke. I'm a son of Jupiter, the Roman form of Zeus. Thalia and I share the same mom, and our father is the same too, except Thalia is Greek and I'm Roman," Jason explained. I didn't realize until that point that the Roman kids and the Greek kids had the same parents, just in different forms.

"I'm Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto. I'm Roman," the young girl said. She smiled, and I returned it.

"I'm Nico di Angelo, son of Hades, the Greek form of Pluto," the boy next to Hazel explained.

"How come you two don't have the same last name?" I asked.

"Because we have different mothers, unlike Jason and Thalia. We're technically half siblings," Hazel laughed.

"Oh," I said.

"You might be a child of the Big Three like us since you are powerful, but I wonder why," Thalia said. I raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

"Because the Big Three vowed never to have demigod children again since they ended up being very powerful and causing wars," Percy explained.

"Then why are you all here?" I asked. Jason laughed.

"Well, Zeus broke his promise twice with our mom," he explained.

"Poseidon broke his promise with my mom," Percy said.

"Hades actually didn't break his promise. Hazel and I were born before he made the promise," Nico said and explained how he and his other sister, Bianca di Angelo, were hidden in a hotel that stopped time for seventy years. Hazel was brought back from the dead by Nico. Nico also explained that Bianca died and chose another life, so he met Hazel and brought her to life again. I nodded slowly, trying not to be freaked out by the fact that the Hades (and Pluto, whatever) kids were like, seventy years old.

"Annabeth, are you sure we need to do this?  It really hasn't been done before," Thalia asked.

"Grover said that she was more powerful than us, and we need to find out if there's a reason she's here.  Besides, it'll be useful if there's another prophecy," Annabeth answered.  There was a sudden shudder that passed through everyone in the group.

"Don't say that.  I am not going to be part of another prophecy," Percy groaned.  Everyone was quiet.

"Let's try and stimulate her powers one at a time. Thalia and Jason, you go first," Annabeth told the group, finally breaking the silence. Thalia and Jason stood up. I wasn't too excited, knowing that Zeus was the god of lightning. I wasn't ready to be struck by lightning any time soon.

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