Chapter 17

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"What do you mean?" Clarisse growled suspiciously.  I gulped.  Clarisse was very tall and muscular.  She was wearing her red bandanna and pointing a spear that sparked with electricity at my chest.

"Well, I was testing my powers," I replied cautiously.  Clarisse scowled.

"What does that have to do with fire?" Annabeth asked, her eyes furrowed.

"Well, I wondered if I was able to control all earthly elements since my mother is the Earth goddess, and apparently I can control fire.  I just need more practice," I explained.  Clarisse continued to stare suspiciously.

"What, were you trying to burn your cabin down?" she asked.  I shook my head.

"No, I tried to light the torches I made."  Annabeth gave me a curious look.

"Try again," she said and plopped down on the couch.  Clarisse opened her mouth angrily to argue, but Annabeth interrupted her.

"Clarisse, I trust Brooke.  I am going on a quest with her tomorrow and I wish to get to know her.  If it makes you feel better, you may stand in that corner and be my guard," she stated calmly.  Clarisse rolled her eyes but stood in her new station.  I glanced at Annabeth who gave me a nod.  She was smiling.

"Okay," I whispered and stood at the center of the room.  I stared straight at a torch and lifted my left hand.  I touched my thumb to my middle finger and conjured a picture of fire in my mind.  I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and snapped my fingers.

One by one, the torches lining the walls lit up.  I turned in a slow circle to watch each of their tips burst into flames.  Annabeth laughed.

"That's amazing!" she exclaimed and got up to stand next to me.  I suddenly felt nervous, as if Annabeth was going to do something.

"Can you do anything else?" a voice asked.  We all jumped in surprise.  I turned around to look at the now open door.  Standing there with folded arms, a curious look in his eyes, and looking as intimidating as ever, was Percy.

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