Chapter 5

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The cabin was pretty large on the inside. Bunks lined the walls. Desks and tables were scattered everywhere, though the place seemed to have a certain organized flow to it. A girl was in the back hunched over a blueprint.

"Hey, Wise Girl," Percy said and kissed the girl on the cheek. She looked up. Her grey eyes were fierce and seemed to stare into my soul. She had blonde hair tied up into a ponytail.

"Who's this?" she asked.

"This is Brooke Evans," Percy said and told Annabeth what I explained to him on the beach. Annabeth nodded and stood up.

"I am Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena. Based off of what Grover and Piper said, we should probably try and stimulate your powers so the gods will claim you," Annabeth explained.  I was shocked by everyone's eagerness to have me claimed, but I was excited to find out who my godly parent was.

"Come on outside," Annabeth told me. I followed her out to the center of all of the cabins.

"Do you have a mortal mother or father?" she asked.  

"I don't know.  I lived with my uncle.  He never told me if he was related to my father or mother."

"Alright.  Well, I can try seeing if you have any physical traits that would point out who your godly parent is.  It's not that reliable, but it may help," Annabeth explained and started to circle me.

"Let's see. You have interesting hair. It's really long and I think it's brown or auburn, but it's hard to tell," Annabeth said. I knew what she meant. My hair reached down to my waist. It was a dark brown, but parts of it seemed lighter. There were streaks that seemed to be an auburn, some that were blonde, and some that were black. They weren't prominent, but they all blended so my hair seemed to change when I moved it.

"That could be a sign of being a daughter of Aphrodite. Piper has eyes that are all different colors, and you could be the same just with you hair. You seem to have grey eyes, like stone from the side of a mountain. There are small brown specks in them," Annabeth observed, peering at my face. I was a little startled, and Percy was silently laughing next to me.

"You have meduim skin and freckles on you nose, but I think that is irrelevant regarding your parent," Annabeth said.

"My guess is that you could be a daughter or Aphrodite because of your hair, but you could also be a daughter of Athena because of your eyes. Of course, this isn't definite. We need to find your powers or skills to be certain," Annabeth said and lead me to Cabin 1.

"Percy, does Chiron know about her yet?" Annabeth asked.

"I don't know.  But she said Grover was a little on edge when he smelled her, so I'm guessing this is important," he answered.

Annabeth frowned, but continued trying to figure me out.

"Tell me if any stand out to you. I'm just going to say which cabin is which," Annabeth explained. We walked passed the cabins for children of Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Apollo, Hermes, Athena, Aphrodite, Dionysus, Ares, Demeter, Hephaestus, Iris, Hebe, Hecate, Hypnos, Nike, Nemesis, and Tyche. There were also cabins for Hera and Artemis, but Annabeth and Percy said that they were maiden goddesses and the cabins were just there to represent them.

"None of them stood out much?" Annabeth asked sadly. I shook my head.

"Don't worry. Let's keep trying," Percy assured. Annabeth nodded.

"Right. Come to the middle," she commanded and walked to a fire pit in the middle of the cabins. She sat on a bench.

"Percy, since she could be more powerful than the Big Three kids, bring them here," Annabeth told Percy. He nodded, gave her a quick kiss, and ran off. Annabeth turned to me and pointed to my daggers.  She was smiling slightly and her cheeks were pink.  I guessed it was because Percy kissed her.

"You chose the twins?" she asked. I nodded, but a thought swam in my head.

"What if I'm a Roman and we need to test if I'm the child of a Roman god?" I asked.

"Since Oak brought you here and you weren't raised by a wolf, I'm pretty sure you are Greek," Annabeth said. I scrunched my eyebrows together, confused. I was about to ask what she meant, but Percy returned with four others.

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