Chapter 3

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"Someone help!" I called out as I emerged from the trees. It was dark out, but several people looked up from their work.

I managed to get my breath back. There was a large, green valley surrounded by green hills. A lake was on the farthest side. There was a strawberry field, a forest, strange cabins, an amphitheater, and much more.

"What's the matter?" a boy asked. He had blonde hair and concerned, bright blue eyes.

"Oak," I choked out. The boy looked confused.

"Oak? Do you mean Oak Robinson?" the boy asked. I nodded and pointed back up the hill in which I just came. The boy ran up the hill and pulled out a golden sword. I ran after him, alarmed by his weapon.

We emerged into the clearing where I left Oak. The Cyclops was nowhere to be seen, but Oak was still there, lying on the ground.

"Oak!" I cried and ran up to him.

"He brought you here?" the boy asked, running to my side. I nodded. The boy lifted Oak up and started to carry him back. I tried not to cry as a trickle of blood made its way down Oak's side.

"What's your name?" the boy asked.

"Brooke Evans," I answered, not taking my eyes off of Oak.

"I'm Jason Grace, son of Jupiter (Zeus, in this case)," the boy said.  I looked up at the boy in surprise.

"Wait, what?" I cried in awe.

"Yeah. Everyone here is a demigod and so are you," Jason replied. My eyes widened.

"I am?  What's a demigod?" 

"It means that you are a child of a god, but you also have a mortal parent.  You are a half-god and half-mortal.  A half-blood, in other words.  Who is your mortal parent?" he asked me as we headed down the hill.

"Well, I lived with my uncle who adopted me after my parents left me as a baby.  He never told me if he was related to my mom or dad," I explained.

"Where is he now?"  I hesitated.

"I....don't know," I admitted.  Jason frowned, but said nothing.

"Well, let's drop Oak off at the infirmary and I'll show you around," Jason replied. I nodded in agreement and followed him down the hill, trying to process everything.

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