Chapter 15

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After three days, I started to feel like I was going insane.  I showered at least twice a day to feel like I was doing something.  I stared out the window to watch demigods sword fighting, shooting bows and arrows, and climbing the lava wall.  

There would be a new demigod guarding my cabin every hour.  Most were children of Ares, but there were many from other cabins.  Chiron also made sure that one of the seven or Nico was standing with them outside, just to be sure.

I looked forward to when a new demigod started their shift every hour.  It was a different person each time, and I started to shout from behind the door and try and talk to them.  Many refused to talk to me, but some were curious about what I wanted to say, especially the Aphrodite kids who were ready to fill in others with gossip.  Chiron eventually made me stop shouting through the door and I was once again stuck alone, inside.

Some other demigods had persuaded Chiron to give me my meals inside my cabin because they were afraid that I would attack them while they were eating with me.  I started to go crazy from being shut inside all day.  At least I was allowed to open my windows, but only one in the front that the guards could keep an eye on.

Oe day five of my confinement, Nico shadow-traveled inside my cabin.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him in surprise.

"I just wanted to let you know that we all will be ready to leave tomorrow night," he explained.

"Are you allowed to be in here?" I asked him.  He shook his head.

"Nobody knows I'm here except for Will.  Chiron said he will let you out tomorrow morning for some last minute preparation," he replied. 

"I have to go now, before anyone gets suspicious.  See you tomorrow," he said and was sucked into the shadows.  I was left alone again, but this time excited for my quest the next day.

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