Chapter 16

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The night before we left, I decided to try out my powers. I was too excited to sleep, so I sat on the floor and softly touched the grass. I closed my eyes and willed it to grow. I felt them expand beneath my fingertips. Opening my eyes, I made them wrap gently around my hand. They turned into vines that slowly formed knots and ties that grew steadily up my arm to my elbow. I stopped when it reached past that point.

I willed for there to be flowers. Tiny blossoms popped up in the vines. Berries accompanied them, and soon my entire cabin had flowers, mini trees, and fruits growing from the walls and the floor. I made the green sleeve attached to my arm sink slowly back into the grown and stood up.

I raised my arms and pointed to a small tree that I grew in the corner. It was a thin birch tree. I pointed at the walls and the branches started to grow. They attached themselves to the wall and formed intricate designs, like complicated wooden bars perhaps. I created a rocking chair in three seconds out of stone. I made flowers hang from the ceiling. More vines became woven around the railing at the second floor and hung down one foot like a curtain. I wasn't worried about bugs coming in an eating all of my plants or living in them because Leo explained that he put a protective barrier around my cabin that repelled all insects and animals that are unwelcome by me.

A few minutes later, I had torches made of obsidian rock lining the walls, each about five feet apart. I stood in front of one and held my breath. I wasn't sure if this would work, but it's worth a try. I guessed that since my mother was the goddess of the Earth, than perhaps she had the power to control all elements. Perhaps I would have that power too.

I closed my eyes and held up my hand. I pictured fire, it's flames dancing in the wind and the crack of the burning wood.

I snapped my fingers and smelled smoke instantly.

I opened my eyes. There were flames in front of me, but they were coming from my shoes instead of the torch.

"Ahh!" I screamed and ripped off my flaming shoes. I frantically threw them out the window before anything else caught fire.

Suddenly, the door banged open. Annabeth stormed in with Clarisse La Rue, a child of Ares.

"What's going- wow!" Annabeth exclaimed when she saw the room. She stared at the walls that were covered in branches and flowers and berries.

"This is amazing!" Annabeth screamed, spinning in slow circles to get a better look. I blushed.

"Thanks. I was just fooling around," I said. Clarisse stared at me.

"You made this?" she asked. I nodded.

"Why did you scream?" Annabeth asked me. I stared at my feet, embarrassed.

"I accidentally set my shoes on fire."

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