She swam quickly to the Merpeople. When she got there she saw the four hostages and Harry. She smiled and handed him his wand.

She then took another look at the hostages: Ron, Hermione, Leo and who she assumed to be Fleur's little sister.

She grinned. How appropriate.

Harry was struggling to cut Ron free with a sharp rock. She signalled for him to halt as she brought out the knife she had hidden in her sleeve that morning. She had slipped it up her sleeve while eating breakfast that morning. She winked and handed it to him, allowing him to cut Ron free before he handed it back to her and she cut Leo free.

Harry went to cut Hermione free and she shook her head. Hermione was there for Viktor.

Amanda smiled and started to swim to the surface. When she finally reached the surface, Leo woke up, spluttering, as her transformation returned her to normal. The two swam back to the platform and the judges helped them out of the water.

Madam Pomfrey wrapped towels around them and Amanda looked around.

"Where's Harry?" She asked, confused.

"Mr Potter has yet to surface." Albus said.

Amanda's smile dropped. "But he was right behind me!" She went to dive back into the water, but Fred and George held her back. They had arrived to the platform with Ginny and she struggled against them.

"I need to find Harry!" She protested. "Why won't you let me go?"

"Harry has to finish the task by himself. He'll be out soon. The judges won't let any harm come to him." Ginny reassured her.

The stands were making a great deal of noise, but Amanda waited anxiously for her brother. Fleur was already back, waiting beside her, as she hadn't completed the Task and wanted her sister back.

Viktor surfaced with Hermione and she helped them out of the water.

"Did you see Harry?" She asked him.

"Harry was waiting down there."

"He's waiting for everyone to get their hostage." She realised with a groan. "He's taken the song literally."

Eventually Harry surfaced with Ron and Fleur's sister. She screamed with delight and dived into the water to help them.

"Harry! You idiot!" She said, giving him a hug. "I'm so glad you're safe. Let me take her, you help Ron."

She turned so that she was on her back and held onto the girl's hands. She kicked her legs, keeping the girl above her and swimming back to the platform.

"What's your name?" She asked kindly.

"Gabrielle." She shivered.

When they got there Amanda pulled herself up, then pulled Gabrielle up after her. Amanda then collapsed to the side with exhaustion. Leo came over to her with spare blankets and towels. He dried her hair and gave her kiss when nobody was looking. She smiled.

"So I was your loved one?" He grinned teasingly.

"I reckon they based it off the fact that you were my date to the Yule Ball, like Hermione and Viktor." Amanda smirked.

"I know, but it's funny how accurate they actually were."

Amanda nodded as Bagman started to reveal the scores.

"Miss Fleur Delacour, though she demonstrated excellent use of the Bubble-Head Charm, was attacked by Grindylows as she approached her goal, and failed to retrieve her hostage. We award her twenty-five points."

"I deserved zero." Fleur said throatily, as she held on tightly to her sister.

"Miss Amanda Potter, who used partial Transfiguration to turn herself part mermaid, was first to return with her hostage, and returned at one hour exactly." Enormous cheers arose, especially from the Gryffindors.

"We therefore award her forty-nine points."

Harry smiled at her and gave her a high-five.

"Mr Viktor Krum used an incomplete form of Transfiguration, much like Miss Potter, but instead turned his head into that of a shark. He was second to return with his hostage and we award him forty-one points."

Karkaroff clapped particularly hard, trying to look superior. Amanda and Leo collapsed into quiet giggles.

"Mr Harry Potter used Gillyweed to great effect," Bagman continued. "He returned last, and well outside the time limit of an hour. However, the Merchieftainess informs us that Mr Potter was first to reach the hostages, and that the delay in his return was due to his determination to return all hostages to safety, not merely his own."

Amanda gave Harry an exasperated look, noticing Hermione and Ron giving him similar expressions.

"Most of the judges-" Bagman gave Karkaroff a very nasty look "-feel that this shows moral fibre and merits full marks. However...Mr Potter's score is forty-five points."

Amanda wrapped her brother in a hug.

"You're in second place!" She squealed excitedly. "Against people who are older then me!"

"You're in first!" Harry said.

"The third and final task will take place at dusk on the twenty-fourth of June," continued Bagman. "The champions will be notified of what is coming, precisely one month beforehand. Thank you for all your support of the champions."

Amanda grabbed Harry in a hug again. "I'm so proud of you, Harry."

"I'm proud of you too."

Madam Pomfrey then ushered the group of Champions and hostages to the castle to get changed into warm clothes.

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